Most lawyers will provide a free consultation in order for clients to ask as many questions as possible so that they’re aware of the possible outcomes for the case.
If you’re unsure about the person that you intend to hire, you should take such an opportunity to ask the important questions. This is particularly true if you’ve been involved in a car accident. There are questions that will help in gauging the kind of attorney you’ll be working with and we’re going to highlight some of them.
How Long Have You Been Practicing?
This question is asked in order to gauge the experience of the attorney. You’ll not want to be working with someone that is just starting out. An experienced attorney will have worked for a couple of years. The legal issue will also determine the experience that is needed.
What Are the Type of Cases That You Generally Handle?
If you’re searching for a Queens auto injury attorney, you’ll want to make sure that they’ve specialized in personal injury law. This is because the law is broad and the last thing you’d want to do is to work with a generalist. You need to make sure that the attorney has handled similar cases to yours in the past and has a track record of winning. Specialization is crucial, especially if your case involves specific statutes—like those governing family medical leave—which is why you would want to inquire more about FMLA attorneys who have a track record in handling these types of cases effectively. This will provide the confidence that you’re in good hands.
What Are Your Fees?
You don’t want to be working with an attorney before you’re made aware of how much you’ll be paying for the service. Any reputable attorney will be upfront about their fees.
The same applies for a personal injury case even though attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. When you’re aware of how much you’ll be expected to pay, it will be easier to get in touch with a couple of attorneys in order to compare the rates.
Do You Invest in Continuous Education?
A good attorney is one that will always want to make sure that they’re bettering themselves through continuous education and training. Apart from their college degree, what other certifications do they have?
What Makes You Different?
This is a question that you’d want to ask when you want to know about the value proposition of the attorney. They have to be something that they do differently which makes it stand out from their peers. An attorney that hesitates to answer this question should be a cause of concern.
Can You Provide References For Your Work?
Since you might not be sure about the experience of the attorney, asking for references can help with the confirmation. An attorney with nothing to hide will be more than happy to provide the references even without being asked. Make sure that you’re following up with the references and ask them about their experience working with the attorney.
What Is Your Approach to Winning Cases?
The attorney will need to prove that he or she got what it takes to deliver the best outcome for your case. That is why it won’t be such a bad idea to quiz them about their approach to your case. A good example is when you hire an attorney that is known for a scorched earth policy for divorce cases when you’d want to settle the matter amicably. Such an attorney will obviously not be good for your case.
Are There Alternatives to Solving Your Legal Problems?
Not every case has to go to trial. There could be other ways worth exploring and it will be up to the attorney to figure out what is best for your case. This mostly applies for personal injury cases because they’ll mostly be settled out of court with a lot of negotiations going on. Ultimately, it will be up to you to decide on the best possible option after examining what is presented.
Hiring an attorney isn’t a decision that should be made in a rush. You need to make sure that the person is experienced if you’re to get the best representation.
Even if you can file for a claim on your own in case of an accident case, the legal technicalities involved can be overwhelming. Ideally, you should be looking for a locally based attorney as they’re aware of the court system and prosecutors.
Getting the right attorney can save you a lot of time and trouble. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in case something is not clear or want it to be clarified.
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