Overdose on CBD
April 10, 2024

Can You Overdose On CBD?

Overdose on CBD

Are you curious whether You Can Overdose on CBD? You're not alone. CBD is known to have health benefits, but taking too much would not be good. Fortunately, research assures that CBD is extremely safe. Generally, there aren't bad side effects, and when there are, it's just something minor like losing energy or feeling hungry. According to research, it is difficult to overdo it, but you must still be sensible with its application. 

In this article, we will discuss symptoms, uses, benefits, and more. So, stick around to learn all you need to know about using CBD correctly.

Can You Take Too Much CBD?  

However, there is a possibility that you may consume CBD in an excessive amount, and although it is important to note that CBD is generally safe and well-tolerated by many people, it is also probable that some people are allergic to CBD or have experienced some side effects. 

The World Health Organization has highlighted the absence of any abuse or dependence potential of CBD. Yet, as with other substances, it can provoke side effects if used in excess.

The use of increased amounts of CBD could have some side effects, such as sleepiness, tiredness, stomach distress, nausea, diarrhea, and changes in appetite or weight as well. 

These effects are mostly minor and last for a short period of time. They help us realize that we should show some restraint and always be aware of our own body's reactions to CBD.

The CBD dose that is appropriate to each individual can vary significantly from one case to another. This is because factors such as the person’s weight, the ailment they are trying to treat, the uniqueness of the person’s body, the concentration of CBD in the product, and other variables are all considered. 

Since it does not have a universal dosage, therefore it is advisable to commence with a low dose and then increase the dose gradually while monitoring the body's reaction.

In addition, to ensure that it comes from safe sources, it will be crucial to check the quality of CBD products as the market is not standardized. This can result in different quantities and quality of ingredients in the products, and you might not really know how much CBD you are ingesting.

What Are the Symptoms of CBD Overdose?

Dry Mouth

The most common effect linked to excessive consumption of CBD is dry mouth which is commonly known as "cottonmouth". This comes from the fact that CBD hinders the secretion of saliva, which results in an unpleasant dryness of the mouth. Drinking lots of water is an essential factor that can provide some degree of relief for this symptom.

Vomiting or Diarrhea

High doses of CBD could cause problems in the digestive system, like vagus, resulting in vomiting or diarrhea. The symptoms that may follow the cold may be extremely uncomfortable and can lead to dehydration if not regulated by intake of liquids and rest.


Diarrhea is directly due to the gastrointestinal tract being upset by the excessive CBD intake. This may take place as a result of CBD's action in the digestive tract, which could be disturbing its basic functions of the digestive system. Dehydration and electrolyte balance must be maintained if this symptom is present.

Loss of Consciousness

As rare as psychotic reactions, very high doses of CBD could heighten the brain to the point of loss of consciousness. The side effects would probably come from CBD's sensitivities or another medication mixed with CBD rather than the toxicity of CBD itself.


Dizziness or light-headedness that one may experience is another symptom caused by excessive CBD consumption. It is, therefore, likely that some of these issues are related to a reduction in blood pressure as well as the sedating effects of high doses of CBD, especially in people who are not used to it.

How Does CBD Work In the System?

The compound in cannabis that is responsible for the psychoactive effects, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), is called CBD, or cannabidiol; it is known for its health benefits without stimulating psychosis. 

The CBD interacts with the ECS by means of its connection with the endocannabinoid system, which is a complicated combination of receptors and neurotransmitters that performs a vital function of controlling homeostasis, the bodily balance within every individual.

To maintain normal bodily functions, the ECS regulates several physiological systems, i.e., pain, mood, hunger, and immune responses. They act via two main receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors, which are mainly in the brain and nervous system, are at the CB2 receptors that are present in peripheral organs, such as in the immune-related cells.

CBD interacts with the ECS not by directly binding CB1 CB2 receptors but by influencing them indirectly. It interacts with the receptor and affects the level of activity of endocannabinoids, increasing or decreasing their effects. For instance, CBD prevents the degradation of anandamide, the endocannabinoid, and thus more amounts will be present in the bloodstream which in turn increases the effects felt on mood and health.

In contrast, a number of ion channels and non-cannabinoid receptors have been shown to interact with CBD. One of its mechanisms of action is its ability to bind to TRPV1 receptors which moderate the body temperature, inflammation, and the perception of pain.

Further, CBD works as a GABA receptor modulator, which significantly interacts with the control of anxiety, sleep, and mood, and a serotonin receptor activator, which has already been shown to account for its anti-anxiety effects.

CBD can perform its activity on the body through these complicated and multifaceted ways, and therefore it makes its contribution to the potential therapeutic benefits. Nevertheless, the precise ways CBD makes an impact through ECS and overall health improvement are such a topic for clinical investigations, with scientific studies mostly focusing on finding learning about the function of the substance within the human body.

What Is the Difference Between CBD and THC?

The main difference is in their psychotropic properties. THC is the major psychoactive element of cannabis, which is responsible for the psychoactive or high sensation associated with marijuana use. It binds with CB1 receptors, which are present in the brain, and as a result of this, it changes the way people think, feel, and see things. 

On the other hand, CBD does not get you stoned and is non-psychoactive. As opposed to it, it indirectly affects the body's endocannabinoid system, thus providing an opportunity for therapeutic effects without the euphoric ones.

There is also a legal differentiation between them. In most places, THC, which is a psychoactive substance, is highly regulated due to its tendency to produce psychoactive effects. Many places allow the retailing of CBD products, which are extracted from hemp plants (cannabis plants with less than 0.3% of THC), as long as they comply with local laws and control measures. 

This legal distinction is a clear indication that CBD is more accessible to anyone who wishes to use it for the possible benefits of their health but does not get the legal consequences or the high effects that are associated with THC.

Regarding the medical application of both substances, they have been examined for therapeutic purposes. THC is frequently used for its pain-killing powers, as an appetite stimulant, and as an anti-vomiting drug. CBD is being experimented with and studied for anxiety treatment, depression, seizure, and inflammation alongside other conditions. 

Whereas both of the compounds exhibit a high potential for therapeutic use, CBD is a particularly attractive option for those who need relief but don’t want to experience the psychoactive effects of THC.

How to Use CBD?

The way to utilize CBD correctly means that you have to pick the method that responds to your specific needs, whether it is relieving pain or anxiety or increasing your general wellness. Here's a look at some popular ways to use CBD:


Among all forms of CBD oil, it often becomes the most recommended, and it is one of the most popular due to its versatility. The administration approaches are mostly sublingual (under or next to the tongue) or buccal (next to the cheek) for rapid absorption into the bloodstream. 

In order to use it, you would have to withdraw the amount of oil you want to use via the dropper provided and leave it under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. 

This technique comes with the advantage of the drug working within 20 minutes to an hour which is its onset time. Other than being capsulated, CBD oil can be put in food and drinks, but this method induces longer effects since it has to get away from the digestive system first.

CBD Gummies

CBD gummies can serve as an appealing choice for those who like having tasty, convenient ways to have their CBD. Each gummy is crafted containing a pre-measured dose of CBD, providing an easy way to manage and stick with a dosage routine. Gummies are taken by mouth with an effect set as slow as compared to sublingual oils. 

This involves the passage of gummies from the oral cavity into the gastrointestinal tract, which is a lengthy process. On the other hand, they are an amazing choice for strong and long-lasting effects.

CBD Topicals

CBD topicals are excellent for localized relief of regions (angina or problems with the skin) where pain appears. Such ‎products range from creams, balms, salves, and lotions that are enriched with CBD‎. These ointments and creams are applied directly to the skin. CBD is absorbed through the skin across the area of pain. 

Topicals stand out in their capacity to be delivered directly to a particular location like joints, muscles or skin and, therefore, are suitable for the treatment of these issues. The topicals are administered more often than systemic therapies, and therefore, the effects are usually felt immediately and can last for several hours depending on the dosage.

How Much CBD Should You Take?

Determining a CBD dosage can be a rather complicated issue due to the fact that it is a metric that depends on such varying factors as physical suitability, the condition one is suffering from, individual body chemistry, and the concentration of CBD in a product. There is no standard dosage that suits all, but there are suggested dosages to avoid initial mistakes, and then the dosage can be adjusted accordingly.

For the ever-picking-up-on-CBD beginners, the best approach is to start with a low dose, which is commonly between 5mg and 20mg per day, and monitor them. This slow approach is natural for your body to adapt and allows you to test the response and track the symptom changes. In case your body does not show the expected effect after seven days, you can start to raise the dose by increments of 5mg up to 10mg per week until you finally get the dose suitable for your body.

The chronicity of some conditions may require doses for relief that will be possibly higher than other conditions, and the studies have used doses ranging from 20mg to 1,500mg per day that demonstrate a wide therapeutic window of cannabidiol. Although higher doses are acceptable, it is important to be careful and use them with caution, and under the supervision of a healthcare professional, whenever possible.

Also, you should remember the form of CBD you are going to use because bioavailability may impact the amount of CBD your body absorbs. Specifically, the difference in bioavailability is seen in CBD oil that is taken sublingually (under the tongue) vs. products that need to be digested—edibles or capsules.

What Are the Benefits of Using CBD? 

CBDA is cannabidiol. It has become popular for quite a long time for several reasons. First, most people acquire it to ease their health problems. Here's an overview of some of the key benefits associated with using CBD:

Pain Relief and Discomfort

Many people consider CBD as a source of pain relief because of its well-known analgesic properties. As a result, it has become a popular option for those who want to achieve relief from chronic pain and discomfort. It communicates with the endocannabinoid receptor sites to lower the inflammation and minimize the pain signals. 

This means CBD can be a good remedy for arthritis, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and other conditions for which usual painkillers do not work well, as people would prefer using the more natural solution.

Restful Sleep

A lot of people using CBD find that it significantly improves the quality of their sleep, resolving problems such as insomnia or sleep pattern interruption. CBD, which is known for its stress and pain relieving benefits, reduces the anxiety and pain that cause most people to have poor sleep, so the end result is quality and sleep durability. 

According to some studies, CBD might interfere with the natural course of sleep and stimulate a more healthy sleep pattern that results in a more pleasant and complete sleep.

Calm Nerves

Research studies have shown that CBD is capable of calming down the nervous system; due to that, CBD has been a popular remedy for people under stress or those having anxiety. It may be known as a molecular degree that stimulates specific receptors in the serotonin reuptake course of action, which we know is a highly important element of mood regulation. 

Generating such an effect might bring an improvement in mood, reduce anxiety and stress creation, and make a person feel happier and more peaceful.

Increase Energy

While it may sound confusing, CBD does have a peculiar effect of increasing energy in some people, surprisingly. But exactly why it does so is linked to its proven benefits for sleep and anxiety, which in turn promote more vivid and stress-free days. 

Very low concentrations of CBD that are used in single servings are what makes most people believe that these cannabinoids make them feel like they are more awake and alert without having restlessness linked to caffeine use.


It is one of CBD’s scientifically proven possible benefits that it can work with anxiety disorders. Many studies have examined its impact on different types of anxieties, like social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and PTSD. 

The CBD adhering to serotonin receptors in the brain is supposed to be the reason behind the substance's effectiveness in reducing anxiety and could be seen as a new treatment rather than just an additional option for those who battle anxiety disorders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens When You Take Too Much CBD?

Taking too much than recommended usually leads to side effects like drowsiness, diarrhea, dry mouth, and changes in appetite. These conditions are non-serious and transitive, but they can last for a long time in other people.

Can You Travel With CBD?

Travel is allowed with CBD in many areas, although it’s mostly legalised for hemp and THC just be a small percent - 0.3%. Though laws are governed by different countries or states, you should make sure you are aware of the local laws in your destination to protect yourself.

Is CBD Safe for Everyone?

In most cases, CBD can be considered pretty safe, but this shouldn’t inhibit user's caution when combined with particular drugs and conditions. Pregnant women, those who are lactating, and those with liver problems should always consult a physician before commencing CBD use.

Can You Get Addicted to CBD?

CBD is not typically associated with the possibility of addiction. Research indicates that it does not cause the psychoactive effect or addiction issues like CBD, and thus, it is an ideal choice for people who are worried about this aspect.

Does CBD help With Pain Relief?

Yes, one of such benefits of CBD use is pain relief, which can be delivered by externally applied CBD products. One of the mechanisms by which it acts is through interaction with the endocannabinoid system to reduce inflammation and modulate pain perception. Therefore, it is of great importance in chronic pain management and treatment of inflammation-related diseases.


The article highlights the safety and benefits of CBD, emphasizing its low risk of overdose and minor side effects like tiredness and digestive issues when taken in excess. It stresses the importance of starting with a low dosage and adjusting as needed, considering individual factors such as weight and condition being treated. Quality control is crucial due to market variations. 

CBD offers benefits like pain relief, improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and increased energy without the psychoactive effects of THC. The piece encourages careful dosage management and quality product selection for effective and safe CBD use. For more information and to explore the potential health benefits of CBD, visiting the brands' websites mentioned in the article is recommended.

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