Some people will tell you that moving is a simple and straightforward process, and others will say it's stressful and time-consuming. What we recommend: If you're on the fence, do it! Moving can be challenging, but with some help from our blog post, you'll find it to be an affordable and enjoyable experience. Here are tips for an easy move: 1) Get organized - create a packing list 2) Research your neighbourhood 3) Find movers 4) Use social media to get rid of your old stuff 5) Be sure to have fun with the whole process! Etc. When all is said in done, what matters most is not how much work went into moving but how well you remember why you moved in the first place.
Get organized - create a packing list
Before moving, put together a comprehensive list of items you plan to take with you, so nothing gets left behind in your old place. Plus, it's the only way to ensure that everything makes it into the pod or truck on the move-out day! Once completed, share your list with family and friends who are helping out with the cost of moving. Nothing irritates more than forgetting something important like your grandfather clock or wedding dress box at the hotel during transit!
Find movers
Unless you're a seasoned professional with a dolly, it's advisable to enlist some help from the moving companies that are affordable and trusted with loads of experience in the moving industry. While hiring full-service movers sound like the ideal solution, they can be pricey. However, if you have friends or family members who are willing to help out on move day, see if they'll do it for free in exchange for beer and pizza! On online websites, there are usually several legitimate postings from reputable companies offering reasonable rates. Once you've found your mover of choice, make sure to ask them about additional fees that may come into play, such as travel costs or fuel charges for longer distances.
Research your neighbourhood
Moving is exciting but try not to get caught up in all the boxes and bubble wrap. If possible, show up ahead of time to scope out the neighbourhood you'll be calling home for the next few months. While looking around, ask yourself if you feel comfortable letting your kids play in front of the house or if there are any nearby schools. Buying food is also essential, so having access to groceries nearby will save you what could be hours spent away from unpacking.
Use social media to get rid of your old stuff
First impressions matter, so why not impress your new neighbours with an amazing moving gift? Offer up any left-behind furniture, appliances, or sports equipment that you won't need through Facebook garage sales. If you don't have time to host a yard sale yourself, hire someone so you can profit from other people's junk while they deal with the heavy lifting.
Be sure to have fun with the whole process!
Moving should be fun and exciting, so put aside stress by enjoying it! Laugh at all the memories made in your old place, even if some of those memories include having pizza for dinner every night because there was nothing else to eat. Smile as your kid's first day of school starts off on foot. Then take pictures of your favourite spots in your old neighbourhood, so you never forget the good times that came out of your last move.
Label Every Box
When you pack, make sure to label every single box. If not, the movers will do it for you with their labels, but there's no guarantee they'll be organized by room or even place in the new house! Plus, if any of your boxes go missing, having a detailed list of what's inside each one is crucial to wearing them down until they give up and give back.
Be Flexible with Locations & Pricing
It can be tempting to sign up for an unlimited budget with a moving company but encourage yourself to keep costs low by only choosing the most affordable options available. When all else fails, and you feel like your plans are falling apart, remember that nothing great ever comes easy! Once those tedious days of moving are over, you'll be sitting in your new home watching a movie on a brand-new flat screen while eating.
The best way to ensure a smooth move is by following the tips we've laid out. You won't regret it! Although moving can be stressful, you don't have to worry about your belongings if you follow our advice and put in some extra effort now. We hope this blog has been helpful for those planning on making a move soon or know someone who is. Best of luck, and we hope the experience is great! Making a move is an immensely stressful task, but it doesn't have to be that way with the right instructions and information! There are affordable options for those who don't want to spend all of their money hiring someone else to do the work.
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