8 Essential Skills That All Men Should Have or Learn in Adulthood – LIFESTYLE BY PS icon

8 Essential Skills That All Men Should Have or Learn in Adulthood

The expectations of men may differ depending on who you ask, but most people generally have the same idea when it comes to the skills that every man should have. It can be agreed that men (and women) should possess basic life skills that will allow them to survive, communicate with others, and manage money effectively. Here are eight essential skills that all men should have— or at least be able to learn— in adulthood.

#1: Sewing

You don’t have to know how to sew a dress or an entire quilt, but having the ability to use needle and thread is a good skill to have. In fact, many ancient hunters were some of the best sewers. Sewing can come in handy when you lose a button off one of your favorite shirts.

#2: Proper Cleaning

Cleaning your home properly is something that every man should learn, especially if he’s a bachelor. There are many levels of cleaning a home, from tidying up daily, decluttering, and deep cleaning— and men should be familiar with all. There’s also a time when everything should be cleaned. Examples include:

  • Daily (washing dishes)
  • Weekly (changing bedding)
  • Monthly (changing air filters)
  • Seasonally (cleaning range hood)
  • Annually (cleaning fireplace)

Having the right cleaning supplies and equipment is also essential for proper cleaning.

#3: Maintaining a Garden and Fishing

Gardening may seem like another activity that’s typically done by women only, but gardening allows you to grow and eat your own food. Depending on the climate and the time of the year, you can grow fruit, vegetables, and herbs. Being able to catch a fish is another great survival skill that puts food on the table without having to go to your local grocery store.

#4: Investing

Investing in your financial future is definitely something that every man and woman should learn. This usually begins with paying off all your debts, whether it’s student loans or credit card debt so that you’re able to put your money to work for you. Some ways to invest your money to secure your financial future include:

  • Hire a financial advisor
  • Invest in retirement accounts with tax benefits
  • Look into stock mutual funds

There are other ways to invest that don’t necessarily yield financial benefits— but they do yield benefits. You can invest in something as simple as your physical health by making healthy food choices and buying proper footwear and gym equipment (or membership), or something bigger such as investing in your education.

#5: Home Maintenance and Car Repairs

Maintaining things around the home is also something that men should know how to do, from something as simple as changing the air conditioning filters to fixing a leaky faucet. Having a basic tool set can help you fix just about any simple breakdown in your home. The same goes for car repairs. Being able to change a tire and knowing how to attach jumper cables to charge a battery are good skills for men to have.

#6: First Aid

Every man should also know basic first aid techniques because this knowledge can potentially save your life and the lives of others around you. Beyond properly cleaning a cut and bandaging it, other first aid techniques men should know include:

  • Setting a splint for broken bones
  • Spotting a concussion
  • Stopping excessive bleeding
  • The Heimlich maneuver
  • Treating first and second-degree burns

Another life-saving technique that everyone should take the time to learn is CPR. Although experts say that “bad” CPR is better than no CPR, it’s much more likely to be life-saving when you know how to do it properly. It’s affordable and easy to learn with online platforms such as ProTrainings, or you can take classes in person.

#7: Communication

Men are often stereotyped as non-communicators, and while that may be true in some aspects (with some men), men actually do communicate. However, it’s still good to improve your communication skills, as communication can be spoken, written, and expressed through body language.

#8: Budgeting

Money management is a skill that may not come naturally to most, but it’s easy to learn and maintain with hard work and discipline. Proper money management starts with creating a budget, meaning that you have to plan how you’re going to spend your money after all of your bills are taken care of. Make sure to include savings, an emergency fund, and other what-if scenarios to ensure that you’re likely to have some money in any situation.

Of course, both men and women can benefit from having all of the skills. Essentially, having skills that will help you navigate through adulthood are necessary to have.