Some men just want to be the best they can be for their girlfriend. If you're a man looking to get married soon, you might want to show some proof to your girl that you're actually husband material. You have to show that she can rely on you to fix things around the house, be respectful and helpful when she's out working, and take care of responsibilities when you have a day off. The way you carry yourself around others can be meaningful in convincing your girl that you're husband material. From one man to another, here are some helpful tips to be the best man you can ever be.

1. Take Care of Yourself
Dressing well can go a long way when trying to impress your girlfriend. You don’t need to be some fashion guru to dress well, you just need to not be a slob. Women like someone who has some self-respect and puts some effort into their appearance.
Some other ways to take care of yourself include hitting the gym once in a while, keeping your hair clean, and showering every day. Smelling good is another small price to pay to have your girlfriend drooling all over you. Confidence is attractive to women, and if you smell good and keep your hair combed once in a while, you'll be husband material in no time.
2. Handle Responsibilities Like an Adult
Your college dorm might be a mess, and your man cave garage might be full of tools, but there are ways you can show your girlfriend that you can be responsible at home once in a while. My girlfriend works a 9-to-5, and my job has irregular hours. Sometimes I could be off for several days at a time while my girlfriend works. I do small things like making sure the dishwasher is empty and flipping the dishwasher magnet, emptying old leftovers from the fridge, and grabbing the mail.
It's the small things that count. She will be happy if you do little things around the house to make her life just a little bit easier when she comes home from work. Give her small compliments when she gets home, like "I appreciate you." In this case, she might even ask you to marry her.
3. Be Reliable
Follow through with your plans. If you make plans to paint the garage or finish the unfinished basement, follow through with them. If you can't, then simply don't keep mentioning that you want to do those types of projects.
Most women prefer men who are reliable when it comes to fixing leaks under the sink, sealing cracks around the tub, and handling other small household chores that need fixing. Watch some YouTube videos about how to be a handyman. Most small jobs around the home can be done with a little bit of guidance from an influencer. You don’t need to be a handyman expert to show your girlfriend that you can be reliable.
4. Show Emotional Maturity
Don’t shut down on your girlfriend. If you get in an argument, talk about it. Be the man in the argument and show that you're emotionally mature. Women are emotional creatures, and while men aren’t, sometimes it’s better to be on the same level as your girlfriend when it comes to emotions. Listen to her problems and try to figure them out together as a team. Don’t avoid these conversations, as that will make you look weak, and she won’t like it.
Money can be a big factor in couples' arguments. And let’s face it—you won’t make a career working at McDonald's. If you're not educated, get yourself a construction or oilfield job that pays better than average. Bringing home the bread and the bigger paychecks is your responsibility. If you're educated, then pursue your future career—or at least try.
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