6 Things to Improve Your Sleep Quality
May 26, 2022

6 Things to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Did you know that sleep is one of the most important parts of our day? In fact, studies show that getting a quality night’s sleep is just as important as working out regularly and maintaining a healthy diet. 

This is because getting quality sleep allows us to better balance out our hormones, perform better throughout the day and also make the most of our brain functionality. When we do not get a consistent good night’s sleep, we put ourselves at risk of gaining weight, being susceptible to a range of diseases, and being more irritable and lethargic during the day. A quick and simple step you can take for better sleep is using muslin products, including bedding, bed sheets and blankets.

The sad thing is, we are getting worse and worse about sleeping as an overall population as each decade passes. Studies are finding that it is now more common than ever for people to continually have poor sleep each and every night. 

But you do not have to be one of these people. You too can get back to enjoying consistently good sleep that leave you feeling refreshed, reinvigorated, and loving life. There are a ton of different tips and tricks you can use to enhance your sleep –from using an essential oil-infused sleep patch to avoiding blue light before bed, we have rounded up all the top things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep.

Improve Your Sleep Quality

1. Get More Exposure to Vitamin D During the Day

Sunlight is so important for our circadian rhythm. It helps our internal clock keep track of when we should be awake and when we should be sleeping. The amount of bright light exposure we have access to can directly impact the functionality of our brain, our body ad even our hormones. All these need to be working in alignment with each other to get us to naturally go to sleep.

If you are struggling to sleep, try giving yourself more exposure to sunlight and Vitamin D during the day. Studies have even shown it helps you fall asleep faster by at least 80%! You do not need to spend all day outside either, simply getting one to two hours can be more than enough to enhance the quality of sleep you get. 

2. Ban Bluelight from the Bedroom

Another important strategy to implement is banning blue lights from your bedroom when trying to go to sleep. This means not being on your phone scrolling through social media until you drift off to sleep. Keep the phones and tablets out of the bedroom for the last hour before bed and instead, try reading a book or journaling. You will notice your brain has a much easier time shutting down and not feeling wired from blue light exposure. You can also try getting blue light glasses too and wearing those during the day. 

3. No Caffeine After Lunch

Many people drink coffee all throughout the day. But caffeine actually takes a long time to leave our bloodstream. Studies have actually found that if you drink a cup of coffee six hours before trying to go to bed, your sleep will be severely worsened. On average, ditch the caffeine drinks after lunch and instead, try decaf or water. This will help you naturally wind down as evening approaches.

4. Exposure to Essential Oils

There is a range of essential oils that are designed to really help calm your senses and drift off to sleep, like lavender. There are multiple ways to expose yourself to essential oils before bed. You can try lavender pillow spray on your pillow, so you get constant puffs of the essential oil smells.

Another great way to get your essential oil exposure is by wearing a sleep patch that is infused with essential oils designed to promote a better quality of sleep at night. That way you can not only drift off to sleep with ease but stay asleep long term.

5. Avoid Naps if Possible

It depends on the person, but if you are not an elite-level athlete who is constantly over-exerting your energy physically for peak performance, you likely do not need to be napping during the day. But if you do, then you should really be limiting your naps to no longer than 30 minutes, otherwise your quality of sleep that evening could significantly reduce and you will wake up feeling even more tired the next day. Naps are an individual thing, it is just important to do these in moderation.

6. Be Routine with Bedtime

Our bodies thrive under routine. So try to get yourself to bed at consistently the same time every single day. This way your body will get used to s sleeping pattern that works and produces the same amount of melatonin needed naturally every night. 


If you are struggling to sleep, then not to fear. There are multiple ways to enhance the quality of sleep at night.

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