Diabetes is a chronic illness that affects millions of people around the world. It can cause severe complications, including foot ulcers and amputations, which now occur in approximately ten percent of all patients who have had diabetes for more than twenty years. Fortunately, there are a few things diabetic people can do to help ensure their feet are healthy.
1. Get Extra Wide Diabetic Socks
One of the best ways to help keep your feet healthy is by wearing extra wide diabetic socks. These special socks are designed to provide a more comfortable and supportive fit, which can help reduce the risk of developing foot ulcers and other complications. There are several different styles to choose from, including open-toe and closed-toe, along with dress or casual options. Your podiatrist may also recommend compression socks. If you have foot problems extra wide socks are essential to keep your feet healthy. These special socks are designed with comfort and support in mind, which helps reduce the risk of developing foot ulcers or other diseases related to poor circulation.
2. Inspect Your Feet Daily
In addition to wearing extra wide diabetic socks, another important way to help ensure your feet are healthy is by inspecting them daily. Ideally, you'll want to do this after a shower or bath when the skin on your feet will be moist and therefore more flexible. Look for any blisters, cuts, redness, swelling, or discoloration of the skin, and check between your toes for any debris such as dirt or other foreign objects. If you do discover something that seems unusual or concerning, contact your podiatrist immediately. Inspecting your feet on a daily basis can help identify potential problems early on, which can help prevent them from becoming worse.
3. Keep Your Feet Hydrated
It's also significant to keep your feet hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. This will help maintain good circulation and keep your skin healthy. In addition, avoid sitting with your feet tucked under you for extended periods of time as this can decrease blood flow and lead to swelling or other complications. When possible, take a break every hour or so to move around and stretch your legs. Keeping your feet hydrated and healthy is an important part of preventing foot ulcers and other complications. People with diabetes should do all they can to maintain healthy feet, so that is why keeping hydrated and using diabetic socks are so important.
4. See a Podiatrist Regularly
Next, it's important to see a podiatrist regularly for checkups and treatment. Podiatrists in Sydney can help diagnose and treat any problems with your feet, including foot ulcers, infections, and other complications. They can also provide tips on how to properly care for your feet and how to reduce the risk of developing complications. If you have diabetes, it's essential to see a podiatrist on a regular basis for preventive care. This will help ensure your feet stay healthy and minimize the risk of developing serious complications.
5. Keep Your Blood Sugar Under Control
Another thing, it's important for people with diabetes to keep their blood sugar under control. This can be done through diet, exercise, and medication as prescribed by your doctor. Keeping your blood sugar under control is essential for preventing foot ulcers and other complications. If you're having difficulty controlling your blood sugar, talk to your doctor about adjusting your treatment plan. By following these tips, diabetic people can help keep their feet healthy and minimize the risk of developing serious complications.
6. Exercise
It's essential to stay physically active. Regular exercise not only helps keep the body healthy but also helps improve blood sugar control. When choosing an exercise routine, be sure to include activities that are low-impact and good for your feet, such as walking or swimming. It's also important to wear appropriate shoes when exercising. Choose shoes that are comfortable and provide good support. If you're not sure what type of shoe is best for you, talk to your podiatrist. Exercising regularly is an important part of staying healthy overall, as well as keeping your feet healthy.
7. Follow a Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is also essential for keeping your feet healthy. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs for good health. Limiting foods high in sugar and fat can help keep your blood sugar under control. Eating a healthy diet is important for preventing foot problems, including infections and ulcers. A good diet can also help you feel your best on a daily basis. Following the diet tips above is an important part of keeping your feet healthy.
8. Don't Smoke
Smoking is bad for your overall health, but it can also affect your circulation. Nicotine in cigarettes restricts blood flow, which can lead to issues with your feet. Smoking also increases the risk of developing foot ulcers and other complications. If you're a smoker, it's important to quit for your health overall and especially for your feet. Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking and how they can help you achieve this goal. This will help you stay healthy and also reduce the risk of developing complications.
How can stress have a negative effect on diabetic people?
Diabetes is a serious disease that can affect every part of your life. Managing diabetes can be difficult, and the added stress of daily life can make it even harder. Stress can have a negative effect on blood sugar levels, which can lead to problems with health and wellbeing. Stress can also have other negative effects on people with diabetes. It can increase feelings of anxiety and depression, which can make it hard to manage diabetes successfully. Stress can also lead to poor eating habits and increased alcohol consumption, both of which can be harmful to people with diabetes. In addition, stress can interfere with sleep, which is essential for good health. People with diabetes need plenty of restful sleep at night. Getting enough rest can help keep blood sugar levels stable and reduce the risk of health problems, including foot ulcers.
Living with diabetes is a challenge for many people. Managing diabetes can be difficult, and stress can make it even harder to maintain good health overall. However, eating properly, getting regular exercise, and minimizing stress are all essential for living with this issue and keeping your feet healthy.
By following these simple tips, diabetic people can help keep their feet healthy and prevent foot ulcers and other complications. For more information on diabetic foot care, please speak with your podiatrist.
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