Minimal Daily Hacks That Will Always Leave You Looking Ready
April 30, 2018

Minimal Daily Hacks That Will Always Leave You Looking Ready

The difference between boys and men? It’s not all razor burns, I can promise you that. No matter how much time he spends getting ready in the morning, a gentleman always knows his way around a grooming kit.

Not only is he not afraid of using it, but he also has a couple of tricks up his cuffed sleeve. 

These small daily hacks will make you ready, groomed and presentable no matter the occasion. 

Rinse and Repeat 

It’s where grooming routines start and end, yet most men take it for granted. The hair should be washed only three times a week, experts say and we listen.

There must be a similar rule for washing your face then, right? Sure there is, and it’s a simple one – always do it twice a day, not less nor more. 

Keep It Moist 

It’s still a man’s world out there, don’t you worry. But the world has changed, and you need to stay on top of it.

Get ready for another day by applying a moisturizing cream after a morning face wash – a small amount will get rid of the stubborn itch, making you younger both instantly and in the long term.

Let It Grow 

Or, simply stop shaving! Beards are as liberating as they can be stylish, but only if they are properly groomed.

Use a comb to train it to grow the right way, amp the volume with a round brush and a hairdryer, keep it soft with a beard oil care by HiLee, visit a barber every once in a while, and own your awesome patch.

Add Slickness with Beard Oil

Speaking of awesome patch products, beard oil is a styling agent working the double duty - it tames and softens the beard while moisturizing the skin beneath it at the same time.

As a bonus, beard oil also eliminates flakes and keeps your manly facial hair fresh-smelling. Apply it after a nice face wash. 

Save on Shaving 

Speaking of razor burns, the daily regimen usually continues with shaving. That searing sensation of Cool Mint is a great way to sober up after a long night, but did you know that you don’t actually need a costly shaving cream to achieve the same invigorating effect? You can simply use a hair conditioner. 

Dodge the Rays 

No, sunscreen is not only for flirting on the beach. It actually has a purpose that’s more than aesthetic – it protects the skin from UV rays, a.k.a. sun damage and premature ageing.

Unless you’re going for that seasoned George Clooney charm, avoid wrinkles with a sunscreen moisturizer of at least SPF 30. 

Use Lip Balm for Nicks 

Have you ever heard of alum blocks and styptic pencils? No man should waste his time or money on fancy beauty products, as long as he has a simple lip balm in his pocket.

Whenever you draw blood while shaving, use it to seal the wound. Lip balm will keep it nice and clean until the clot finally forms.  

De-Puff After a Drinking Spree 

Had a tough night? Maybe you’ve been working graveyard shifts or partying throughout? Great for you, but there’s a point in your life when you cannot wake up fresh after a bad drinking spree.

To make the puffiness go away and look less like some of the famous heaviest drinkers in history, use an ice pack or green tea bags. Or, just borrow your lady’s eye cream. 

Tweak the Rogue Hair

While you’re going through her beauty cabinet, borrow some tweezers as well. Though patchy beards are a matter of taste, rogue hair is simply unpresentable. Use tweezers to nip it in the bud, or find your nail clippers and keep it nice and short in your nose, ears, and wherever it chooses to pop up. 

De-Frizz the Warrior Curls

Remember Rob Stark from Game of Thrones? The Young Wolf had some serious frizz going on, but then again, he wasn’t actually preparing for a job interview. The winning-the-war look is great for an evening out, but de-frizzing is expected during the day. Rub some hair conditioner in to tame the curls.

Get Her Closer 

“What do women want? Any excuse to get closer.” Don Draper was right to assume that deodorants are for ladies, not for men, so make sure to keep your girl close by using anti-sweat cosmetics correctly. Since they take some time to start doing their magic, put them on at night, just before you go to bed.  

Use Talc for Sweaty Days 

If the world is a man’s kingdom, then his throne is right by the barbecue grill. Long summer days can be really sweaty, though, making all those sports deodorants effective for only a couple of hours. Stay fresh throughout the day by applying a small amount of talcum powder to soak in all the BBQ sweat. 

Fortunately for all stylish guys, the grooming techniques for men don’t require the same dedication as those designed for ladies.

With these mini hacks – so essential that they take no longer than ten to fifteen minutes each day – will boost your confidence and make you look sharp whatever you do. 

Minimal Daily Hacks That Will Always Leave You Looking Ready 

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