Look Alive! The 5 Most Effective Energy Boosting Vitamins
March 19, 2021

Look Alive! The 5 Most Effective Energy Boosting Vitamins

The word "vitamin" comes from the Latin word "vita" meaning "life". So, it's no wonder that supplementing is such a hot topic nowadays.

The less educated you are about vitamins, the harder you make your life!

Often, feelings like fatigue and brain fog have to do with some sort of vitamin or mineral deficiency.

Simply knowing what the basic energy-boosting vitamins are can quite literally change your life.

So, if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, and would like to know what vitamins boost energy, here are the 5 most vital revitalizing vitamins that need to be in your life!


Variety is the spice of life! At times, an effective multivitamin with a mixture of all the essential players might be the best vitamins to boost energy! If that's the case, Multivitamins From Vitabiotics might be exactly what you're looking for.

If you think you need something more specific, keep reading!

Vitamin B12

Well, technically there are 8 types of B vitamins all contributing to the nerve and cell function of your body.

However, B12 is particularly important for dealing with the fatigue and low energy.

Its role in red blood cell production is what promotes smooth sailing for oxygen. Without healthy transportation of oxygen, energy cannot be properly produced.

When it comes to an instant energy boost supplement, often B12 is at the top of the list!


Magnesium is one of the main characters in the biochemical epic happening inside of you. According to studies, it shares in over 300 hundred reactions in your body.

One of its main roles, though, is in sleep. Now, why am I speaking about sleep in an article about energy?

Well, good quality sleep is vital for recharging your organic batteries to face a new day full of energy. So magnesium could be the very supplement that could unlock the new you!

Vitamin C

The warrior vitamin! There is a reason why it's so famous around flu season!

Vitamin C is ready to fight against anything that tries to bring your energy down, viruses, free radicals, even the effects of aging!

With Vitamin C on your side, you will be making sure that all of the other vitamins are doing what they're supposed to!

Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes bone and muscle strength. When seeking an energy boost, you want to make sure that you are building with the right materials.

It also plays a major role in regulating the gut, which in turn influences your mood. Sometimes, low energy comes from the mind rather than the body. If that's that your case, of all the energy and mood boosting supplements,  vitamin D might be just what the doctor ordered, (figuratively speaking, of course).

Your Future with Energy Boosting Vitamins

We conclude with a warning; supplements are not a quick fix to low energy.

We call them supplements for a reason. Energy boosting vitamins are intended to accompany a healthy and balanced lifestyle - not replace it. Watch what you eat, exercise well, and don't neglect your sleep routine. By treating vitamins as the helpers that they really are, you can be sure that they will take care of you, as long as you take care of yourself!

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