The knowledge of human nutrition has grown vastly over the years, especially in the twentieth century. From the year 1912, experiments showed that the food we eat contains certain organic substances that are vital for health. After his experiments, Frederick Hopkins called them ‘accessory food factors’.
Right after him, a Polish chemist gave them the term ‘vitamins.’ He ended his report by mentioning that these compounds were essential for life, and almost all of them were made up of amino groups. Hence, the identification of essential nutrients ( macronutrients, micronutrients, and trace elements) important for supporting human life and health became a milestone in medical science.
The key to living a healthy and happy life is hidden in listening to your body and staying in tune with it. When you consider nutrition, consuming the right nutrients is vital to stay nourished and energized throughout the day. Vitamins and their supplements complement the nutrients you receive from food and help you in staying healthy. That is the reason companies like Gummies garden are gaining attention as they provide effective supplements to help increase vitamin intake.
Vitamins keep your body working properly. They also help regulate important processes essential for our daily lives.
Even though vitamins are necessary for good health, they are required by your body in small proportions, unlike macronutrients like fats, proteins, and carbs. They are responsible for cell reproduction and growth. Moreover, their most important role is the processing of cellular energy.
- Healthy aging
The cells of your body go through wear and tear as you go through your life. However, proper and adequate nutrition can prolong this process. Vitamins, such as antioxidants, safeguard cells from stressors in the environment. As a result, they lead us to improved and healthy aging.
- Maintain good working order of your bodies
Among many other functions of vitamins, maintaining the proper functioning of the body is also the role of these organic compounds. Each nutrient that you consume provides you health benefits and helps you in leading a healthy lifestyle.
- Covering nutritional bases
Even though you do your best to stay healthy, there are still few nutrients that are hard to obtain from eating food. Taking a multivitamin makes sure that all your regular vitamin requirements are completed.
- Support your immune system
Your immune system is dependent on what you put inside your body. You must have heard the saying: ‘ You are what you eat.’ Certain nutrients are famous for their well-known benefits to the immune system.
For example, vitamin C is considered one of the biggest supporters of the immune system. Free radicals, also known as unstable molecules, cause oxidative stress, which leads to damaged cells. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that assists cells in keeping them secure from this damage.
Zinc, too, is necessary for proper immune health and development.
- Maintaining a healthy metabolism.
Riboflavin, thiamine, folate, biotin, vitamin B12, and B6 (B-complex vitamins) help in processing energy from proteins, fats, and carbohydrates by working with different enzymes present in the human body. Along with being physically active, consuming a balanced diet is also important to maintain a healthy metabolism.
- Maintenance of healthy bones
You must have heard that calcium is very important for strong bones. Yet, did you know that vitamin D is essential for calcium to do its job successfully, i.e., to maintain healthy bones?
Vitamin D is produced by your skin when directly exposed to sunlight. However, if you use sunscreen, weak sunlight during winter, or poor absorption of skin, all of these provide a hindrance in producing this necessary nutrient. Luckily you can find delicious vitamin D gummies to make sure you get the amount you need!
‘The Biological role of vitamins ‘
According to the biological criteria, vitamins are classified into five groups:
- Increasing your vegetable and fruit intake to 3 to 7 helpings per day has resulted in heightened vitamin C levels by 400 percent!
- Vitamin B12 is present only in foods that are directly or indirectly derived from animals, so vegans must keep an eye for low B12 levels.
- If you consume a varied diet of bread, fruits, cereals, and vegetables, then your daily vitamin needs are easily fulfilled. Now you don’t need to worry about deficiencies.
Whatever you consume, whichever dietary options you follow, on some occasions, few nutrients might become a challenge to be obtained from food only. Thus, supplements are the perfect option to make sure that all your body's needs are tended to. So you can enjoy a healthy life.
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