Style Dispatches (Membership)
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If you’re passionate about living well and dressing right then this is for you.
Style Dispatches is a monthly service which updates you on the latest trends in fashion and lifestyle.
Each month we send you a guide jam-packed with information you can use immediately. This guide contains outfit ideas and recommendations, plus lifestyle tips and you also get 25% off all lifestyle by PS purchases.
You’ll learn everything you need to know to become the best-dressed guy in the room. And you get all this for the low, low price of only $4.97 per month. (However, this is a launch offer. So, the price for this service is going to go up after we hit 200 members)
What are you waiting for? Life’s too short to be a slob, subscribe to style dispatches now.
We're passionate about helping guys dress better, live well and elevate their lifestyle.
One super actionable ebook every month.
See you on the other side.
If you have any questions, please email us at info@lifestylebyp.com and we'll be happy to assist you.