According to a survey, about 6.5 million men and 8.5 million women suffer from hair loss in the UK alone. Whereas, the numbers are equally alarming in the rest of the world as well. Hair loss has been seen as the reason for low self-esteem in many people. Some types of hair loss can be reversed with supplements and vitamins except for genetic hair loss. A way to combat hair loss at an early stage would be to start treating thin hair. The good news is you can stop hair thinning with PRP injections - a world-renowned procedure.
Let’s get to know what different types of hair loss are and how can you prevent or stop it:
Types Of Hair Loss & How You Can Prevent Them?
- Iron Deficiency Hair Loss: One of the most common reasons for hair loss as well as thinning is iron deficiency or anaemia. If you notice yourself losing hair recently, you must get your iron levels checked. If the levels are low, the doctor will prescribe you iron supplements and you can get the lost hair back.
- Stress Hair Loss: A number of people in the world suffer from stress and anxiety. Many people may not know this but stress is one of the leading causes of hair loss. When you start managing your stress, your hair health will automatically improve. You can get back your hair health with the help of PRP injections.
- Seasonal Hair Loss: Losing hair during the fall season is something we all go through. Our body clock works in such a way that the hair goes into the telogen (resting phase) at the start of the summer season and then starts falling during the fall and winter seasons. However, if you have an important event coming up, you can get PRP injections to get your healthy hair back.
What is PRP?
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. The process includes extracting plasma from the patient’s blood and injecting it into the scalp of the patient to promote hair growth. This is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure and actually yields promising results. Many people think of PRP as a painful procedure because of the thought of injecting below the scalp. Where in fact, it is not that painful. You can also ask for numbing cream if you are scared of the pain. Additional post-treatment stem cell serums, like Calecim's Advanced Hair System, can also be applied to help enhance the effects of the PRP procedure and further stimulate hair follicle growth.
The procedure has no major side effects except for a few that include:
- Swelling
- Mild Pain
- Itching
- Bleeding
How PRP Strengthens The Hair?
When PRP is injected into the scalp, it actually stimulates the follicles that are already present in the scalp. This helps to restore the thickness and strength of thin hair and regrowth of new hair. The procedure is totally safe to use and is quite promising.
Key Takeaway:
Losing hair puts many people in a dark phase of their life. With a safe non-invasive procedure like PRP injections, you can not only grow new hair but can also restore the health of thin hair.
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