I love wintertime. Cups of hot cocoa, Christmas music, diving into a pile of blankets on the sofa with a glass of wine—it’s the coziest time of year!
But I can’t say the same for my skin. Dryness, flaking, and painful cracks make me want to say “Humbug!” and run back to July.
I tried all sorts of creams and moisturizers, but all they did was mask the problem. And they cost a fortune. I did the math, and I spent nearly my entire Christmas bonus on creams and serums last year!
This year, I decided things had to change, so I talked to a dermatologist and she recommended a microneedling and moisturizing routine with DermRollers.
Long story short? My dryness is completely gone, and the only flakes I’ve seen this year were falling from the sky!
How does it work? I’m going to walk you through my routine so you can try it out at home.
What You’ll Need
To get rid of wintertime dry skin for good, you only need three basic ingredients:
- A 0.25 mm DermRollers microneedling tool - Use this to enhance your skin’s ability to hydrate
- Hyaluronic acid - Use this to add natural hydration
- Moisturizer - Use this to lock hydration in
That’s it! In case you’re not familiar with some of these basics, here’s a quick overview.
Microneedling with DermRollers
Microneedling, also known as derma rolling, is a natural skincare technique. To do it, you use a DermRollers tool to make thousands of tiny punctures in your skin.
It might sound painful, but it’s not! The punctures are microscopic, so you can barely feel them. They make your skin more susceptible to natural hydration, and they also boost your ability to heal and hydrate from within.
Your immune system reacts to the punctures by boosting the production of collagen and elastin, vital proteins for youthful and vibrant skin. When these rejuvenating proteins team up with natural hydration that you apply to your skin post-rolling, you give dryness a one-two punch that sends it to the ropes.
I only use DermRollers to microneedle. Their tool (called the DermRoller) is made with dermatological standards and constructed of medical-grade titanium. It’s the #1 microneedling tool in Australia and has helped over 10,000 customers heal and improve their skin.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is a natural moisturizer created by your body. But in wintertime, your body may need a little boost of this vital skincare ingredient to keep your skin from drying and cracking.
By applying hyaluronic acid post-rolling with DermRollers, you can increase its moisturizing capabilities and send vital hydration directly into your skin. Studies have shown that this acid can increase skin healing and add major moisture where it’s needed most.
This one, you know already. Using a moisturizer after hyaluronic acid locks in the hydration so it can continue to benefit your skin for days.
I prefer a natural moisturizer. That way, the entire routine is 100% natural and chemical-free. I highly recommend you do the same.
It’s very important to use gentle ingredients on your skin after microneedling. You should avoid all chemical exfoliants (like those found in some scrubs and masks) and ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and tretinoin.
My Wintertime Microneedling Routine
My routine is 100% natural, effective, and about 80% cheaper than loading up on creams and serums for the holidays. Plus, you only need to do it once a week. Here’s how.
Step 1: Prep your skin and your DermRoller
It’s important to ensure your face and your DermRoller are VERY clean before microneedling. This is the most important step of all. If you microneedle with a dirty tool or oily skin, you risk sending bacteria and germs into deeper layers of your epidermis. This can cause inflammation, redness, and outbreaks—the opposite of what you’re going for!
Don’t worry, it’s easy to avoid these issues.
To properly prep for your microneedling session, let your DermRoller soak in 70% isopropyl alcohol for about 5-10 minutes.
In the meantime, wash your face with a pH-balanced cleanser.
Now, you’re ready to roll.
Step 2: Begin microneedling
Are you ready to microneedle?
To begin, hold your DermRoller like you would a shaving razor and gently roll it across the affected area of skin in a vertical motion. Don’t roll up and down. Roll in one direction, pick the roller up, and roll in the same direction again.
Do this 5-10 times before moving on to another area of skin. If you start to feel pain, you may be pressing too hard.
Microneedling your entire face should take about 5 minutes. Don’t overdo it, or you may start to see track marks or swelling.
You can microneedle almost every area of your face, but avoid your eyes and eyelids.
When you’re finished, put your DermRoller back into its isopropyl alcohol bath for another cleanse.
Step 3: Cleanse and hydrate
Your skin is now in the optimal state for absorbing major hydration. But don’t apply the hyaluronic acid just yet.
First, rinse your face with water. You want to make sure those pores and punctures are clean and clear.
Now, you’re ready to apply hyaluronic acid. You can use a natural lotion or serum that is hyaluronic acid-based. I use Timeless Pure because it doesn’t contain any additives or chemicals, and it absorbs and dries quickly. It doesn’t hurt that it’s cheap, too!
Simply follow the application directions on the product of your choice and apply evenly across your face.
Remember, hyaluronic acid only works if it’s applied BEFORE all other skincare products. It will not absorb into your skin if it’s applied after moisturizer or sunblock.
Step 4: Moisturize to lock in hydration
Now, all that’s left to do is moisturize with your favorite gentle moisturizer to lock in the hydration.
From here, your work is done. Over the next few days, your immune system and the hyaluronic acid will work in tandem to pummel dryness and refresh your look with vibrant, plump summertime skin.
All you need to do is keep your skin clean and avoid chemical cleanses while the punctures heal.
It’s that easy!
Microneedling Works Fast
This is the best part. Studies have shown that microneedling works very fast—in as little as 2 sessions. And it’s incredibly easy to do. You only need to microneedle once every 1-2 weeks. That’s a lot better than waking up an hour early every morning to add a pound of creams, goops, and makeup to your face (which, by the way, will make dryness worse!).
I saw results from my microneedling routine almost immediately. After the first session, my dryness improved for days at a time. And after the second session, it began to go away entirely. After a month, my face looked better than it has since I was in my 20s!
Now, I enjoy clearer, healthier skin without all the creams and chemicals. And, I spend a lot less on makeup too.
I love the look of my skin, and I achieved it by doing an all-natural treatment with DermRollers. It costs me about $2 per month to do, and it really works.
If you want to get rid of that wintertime dryness for good, please give it a try! You’ve got nothing to lose.
Stuff your Stockings with DermRollers
Now is the best time to start microneedling to protect your skin from winter’s chill. It’s not too frigid yet, so you can microneedle in time to deliver vital hydration to your skin early (and to look fantastic at Christmas parties).
It’s also a great time to buy a DermRollers microneedling tool. The holiday sale is in full swing, so you can grab a DermRoller for 40% off ($66 in savings) or buy more than one and save up to 60% off per tool. They make great stocking stuffers!
Stop spending all your Christmas cash on skin creams and STILL struggling with wintertime dryness. Get your DermRoller now and enjoy vibrant, youthful, and hydrated skin all year round.
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