5 Amazing Tips For Buying Newborn Baby Clothes
August 18, 2021

5 Amazing Tips For Buying Newborn Baby Clothes

5 Amazing Tips For Buying Newborn Baby Clothes

Whether it is toys or cute newborn baby clothes, we guess that you’ve been preparing your baby essential list for a while now. From your little one’s size to your budget, there are a lot of things to consider when baby shopping. So, we have rounded up some amazing tips for buying newborn baby clothes from the best baby clothes boutique.

Go for Larger Sizes

5 Amazing Tips For Buying Newborn Baby Clothes

Always consider your baby’s height and weight, rather than their age when it comes to buying baby clothes. In fact, you can choose clothing one size ahead of your baby’s actual age. This will let your baby wear them much longer and save you some money. For instance, most 6-month-old babies can wear clothes in 9-12 month size.

In general, it is best to buy 0-3 month clothes before your baby is here, as newborn size can be outgrown very quickly.

Consider Seasons When Buying New Clothes

5 Amazing Tips For Buying Newborn Baby Clothes

Nobody wants a baby's wardrobe filled with clothes that are not suitable for the current season. So, besides buying a size up, you should also consider seasons when buying new baby clothes. 

For example, if the due date is in hot weather, make sure you keep your baby cool and protect them from the sun. Pick some air-breathing clothes like cute newborn rompers or onesies. If you expect a baby this fall, then it’s time to grab some cute fall baby clothes ahead of the season. 

Take Advantage of Discounts and Sales

5 Amazing Tips For Buying Newborn Baby Clothes

Well, you will have at least 9 months to prepare for your baby's arrival. The chances are, you will likely go through a couple of big sales. So, why not resist your temptation to buy baby clothes now for a bit and take advantage of the upcoming discounts and sales online from hautebaby.com, the top brand that provide specially designed and handcrafted clothing. Doing this will save you a lot of money for your baby budget.

Go for Softer Clothes When Possible

5 Amazing Tips For Buying Newborn Baby Clothes

The smaller the size of the baby outfit, the softer you’ll want the material to be. Babies, especially newborns, have pretty sensitive skin. Therefore, certain materials may irritate their skin and cause rashes, which is quite concerning. In this case, we suggest parents go for newborn baby clothes that are made of natural materials like cotton and silk.

Opt for "Easy" Newborn Baby Clothes

We all can get caught up in cute baby clothes easily. But, when the baby actually arrives, you will need clothes that are easy to put on and easy to take off. Parents should choose clothes with snaps and zippers or stretchy elastic pants/T-shirts that can get on and off quickly.

Additionally, beware of clothes with buttons because it might take a lot longer to button up a piece of clothing for a wiggly baby than you think. Meanwhile, zip or snap pajamas are great options for middle-of-the-night changes.

We hope these tips will help you choose and buy newborn baby clothing with ease. Also, just let us know if you have any questions or tips for buying newborn baby clothes in the comments!

5 Amazing Tips For Buying Newborn Baby Clothes