Qatar is part of the African continent and is located on an island territory. The country is one of the world's leaders in the expаort of natural gas and oil, which form the basis of its economy. Qatar's high standard of living attracts foreign specialists, whom the government actively recruits to work in various sectors. Although most of the visitors are residents of neighboring countries, a significant number of people from more remote regions also work in the country. Read the article to find a job in Qatar.

Structure of the economy
Extraction and processing of hydrocarbons form the bulk of the country's GDP, accounting for 75% of income. The service sector accounts for 25%, and agriculture - only 0.1%. The industrial sector is divided into extractive and processing industries. In Qatar, industry is represented by the following areas:
oil extraction and refining
chemical and medical sphere
You have probably heard that a large number of large corporations can get jobs in this country, which provide an opportunity for all newcomers to find work. The industrial sector employs both local residents and foreign specialists who have arrived from other countries. Maintenance and repair of equipment is most often carried out by employees of the manufacturing companies that provide the equipment. Although significant cash flows circulate in the industry, the level of wages for ordinary employees remains relatively low and depends on the employer.
Agriculture covers only 10% of the country's needs, and the rest of the products come from abroad. Agriculture is developed mainly in oases, where dates, vegetables and various garden crops are grown. Livestock farming, which is poorly developed, is carried out by local nomadic tribes. Foreign citizens practically do not work in the country's agriculture.
Many of the jobs in this country that foreigners can get are related to tourism. The country has a Tourism Administration. Particular attention is paid to foreign guides who speak foreign languages. Foreigners can always find work in the tourism industry.
What makes Qatar attractive?
Qatar's neighboring countries are Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and it is not inferior to them in terms of development. The main source of income is the extraction and sale of oil and gas. Many large companies hire foreign specialists, so if you have high qualifications, you can easily find a suitable job in Qatar.
Doha is the capital of Qatar. It is an economic and business center where the offices of international companies and leading enterprises of the Qatari economy are located. The city attracts with its luxury hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and boutiques. Doha is home to major employers providing jobs to people who came from other countries.
Salaries in Qatar are significantly above average: regular positions in restaurants and hotels can earn between $1,000 and $2,000 per month, and this amount is indicated "net", without taking into account deductions for housing, food and transport. A fitness trainer receives between $2,500 and $5,000, trade specialists - from $2,500, kindergarten teachers - from $1,500, and school teachers can expect to earn from $2,500 per month.
This level of income allows you to comfortably save money while maintaining all the conditions for a Qatar is also distinguished by the fact that the highly developed health care system. With insurance, you can get quality medical care, which often surpasses European hospitals. Qatar also attracts foreigners with its low crime rate and positive attitude towards migrants. It is one of the safest countries on the planet.
How you can find a job in Qatar
Every visitor must obtain a visa to officially live and work here. Without it, a foreigner is prohibited from working, and this can lead to a fine and deportation. Usually, the employer or intermediary to whom the candidate applies when planning to work in the country takes on the visa processing. In the case of an employer, the employee finds a job himself, and then receives a ready-made work visa. But this process cannot be called simple, but it is worth the effort. Professional agencies will help you complete this algorithm as quickly as possible and without unnecessary effort. With their help, you can complete all the important documents that you need to have to cross the border and officially find employment in Qatar.In some cases, the list of documents may vary, but usually it includes the following elements:
Your passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of your arrival in Qatar. If you have an old passport, you must also provide it. To learn more, read on Layboard.
You must also fill out a special form, which is intended for everyone who arrives in the country.
Four photographs of the established form, which can be taken when crossing the border or when receiving a visa.
Originals of completed documents confirming the provision of work in Qatar are required, as well as their notarized photocopies.
An official letter from the employer informing the border and immigration services about the hiring of a foreign citizen.
Information about vacancies and salary conditions for this position.
To prove your financial solvency, you need to request a bank statement for an open account. The minimum amount to cross the border is $1,500.
When you cross the border, Qatar immigration officials may carefully check the purpose of the foreigner's visit. Therefore, the preparation of documents should be treated with maximum caution.
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