We've all seen it: a flashy ambulance or a police cruiser blocking the side of the road. The cop is looking down, shaking his head, and you know that someone's been hurt. But what happened? What is the Breaking News? It's always a jarring experience when your attention first falls on the person who caused this terrible event. Was it a driver who fell asleep at the wheel? A drunk driver or someone with some other impairment? In many cases, the police report can answer these questions.
It takes a while, but reading an accident report usually tells you what the police officer found. The narrative is a piece of the story, and it's the most important part. The narrative explains what happened, resulting in the citation sheet (a document where the officer records his observations about the accident)
Accident Investigation
One of the most important parts of any accident investigation is the police report. Police accident reports are a legal document that, if requested, will tell you what happened in an accident and the actions that caused it. All the information on a police accident report comes from a witness and/or the personal statement of the driver or operator. This can include statements and information regarding:
- The place and time when the accident happened
- The vehicle involved in the accident
- Who caused the accident and their actions before, during, and after it occurred
- What actions were taken to prevent a recurrence of the accident
- What actions were done to repair/replace the damaged vehicle
- The driver's and operator's medical condition, if any
- The insurance company that was involved in the accident
- Any other actions that were taken to resolve the issue
Types of Police Accident Reports
There are three different types of police accident reports, and each is necessary for different circumstances. The three reports are the officer incident report, the crash report, and the collision report.
Office Incident Report
The officer incident report is most commonly used when two or more vehicles are involved and there are injuries. This report is also used when damage to a property such as a light pole or fire hydrant exceeds $500. The officer incident report has many details that are helpful when there is an issue with insurance or court. This report is also useful if there are injuries due to a one-vehicle accident.
Crash Report
The crash report is for use when there are no injuries, but property damage is considered over $1,000. The crash report is also used in an accident where one person has been injured, but no other vehicles or property were damaged.
Collision Report
The collision report is for use when there are no injuries and the damage to property does not exceed $500. The collision report is helpful if the police have several different accidents in one day. The collision report is the most appropriate form for a crash where there are no injuries.
Benefits of a Police Accident Report
To protect the innocent and find the guilty, a police accident report is one of the most valuable pieces of information in any investigation. Here are some benefits to the police accident report:
- A police accident report can identify incriminating evidence before convicting someone of a crime.
- A police accident report can determine the cause of an accident.
- A police accident report can determine if someone was legally intoxicated or not.
- A police accident report will determine who was at fault in an accident.
- They may be used as a way to find laws that were broken.
- They may help in finding a missing person.
- If your car is totaled in an accident, it can help to prove that you were not at fault for the crash and may avoid the need for lawyers.
- A police report begins the chain of evidence.
- A police accident report may help to provide insurance claims.
- If criminal activity has been suspected, a police accident report may be used.
- A police accident report can include the parties involved in the accident, their addresses, and phone numbers.
- A police accident report can be used as an investigative tool.
For the cost of a small, basic police accident report, you get to find out the exact details of what happened and identify all the parties involved in any recent or ongoing accidents. These documents can quickly and easily be obtained from nearby law enforcement agencies. It's important that you call the police immediately if you've been involved in an accident.
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