How To Introduce You Local Clothing Brand to The Digital World – LIFESTYLE BY PS icon

How To Introduce You Local Clothing Brand to The Digital World

For your g brand to stay ahead of competition it is imperative to adopt an effective marketing strategy. Apart from helping you stay in business on eCommerce, it will help your business to continue growing. There are numerous renowned fashion clothing brands in the market. However, this shouldn’t deter or intimidate you. If anything, you should take it as a challenge to prove that a local clothing brand can thrive. Even if you have had a successful run, you still need a good marketing strategy.

One avenue that local clothing brands are using to change their fortunes is digital marketing. This avenue has changed drastically over the years. As a brand it is essential to constantly evolve if you wish to remain in the game or stay on top of competition. If you need help introducing your brand to a wider target market, here are some helpful tips.

1. Come up with a catchy brand tagline

One of the most effective ways to set your brand apart from others is to create a slogan or tagline. This will help your target audience to connect emotionally with your brand. For instance, if your intended market are mature ladies that favor luxurious living, you can find a way to get them behind a common cause. For instance, this could be luxurious daily living or luxury for ladies of a mature age.

Such messages help your target market feel that your brand is offering them something that is customized to their needs. A relevant catchy phrase would therefore be something such as “Luxury with an Age”. At the same time, it presents different sides to the core value behind your brand.

2. Have a giveaway campaign during the launch period

Well-planned giveaway campaigns can be very effective when done correctly. Having a giveaways campaign during the first month of your launch will give your local brand much needed exposure. The launching period is significant and should be focused solely on exposure for the brand. It is common for many businesses to use this period for increasing sales. This is a mistake because the short-term benefits may affect the success of your brand in the long run.

For your campaign, think outside the box. It could include gifting out your products as well as other goods. Also remember to promote it across your social media platforms, website and other avenues.

3. Tell your brand’s story via social media

Another is to hire a digital marketing agency like Local Digital to help bring awareness to your brand by using social media by telling your story. You could even do this as a series. Here, you can use each episode to talk about the different aspects of your clothing business in detail. Moreover, you don’t have to restrict yourself to one social media platform. Most brands recognize and appreciate that social media plays a crucial role in brand marketing. There are different ways to successfully introduce your brand to the world using social media.

The first way would be to develop a robust story for your clothing brand. It includes sharing and liking content that aligns with your clothing brand across the different platforms. You can also express your brand’s personality consistently using creative ideas.

4. Look for a promotional partner

It is natural as a creative to see others in your market as the competition you are trying to beat. But if you take a moment, you will realize that some of your competitors might also be good partners. For example, if there’s another brand selling lounge wear, you could have a partnership and cross-promote to the target market. These types of partnerships work well especially in the fashion industry. Thus, it might be best to actively seek these opportunities. Another form of partnership that will get your brand noticed is the influencer partnership.

The younger generations require social proof to buy into a brand. Influencers bridge this gap by providing their audiences with recommendations hence influencing the choices of your target market. This tip works because even large established brands have adopted it. When done right, partnering up will amplify your brand’s identity.

As a local clothing brand, you will usually have a limited budget for marketing your work. The tips above don’t require vast amounts of money. Be strategic and you will be able to achieve your goals of taking this brand to the next level.