Have you started realizing some detrimental effects of hard water, especially on your skin, clothing, home appliances, and plumbing? Hard water affects over 75% of households in the US, and when not addressed on time, it results in costly repairs and maintenance. The right water softener system could be just what you need.
Water softeners remove the dissolved calcium, magnesium, iron, and other minerals that cause hardness, bringing about multiple benefits to you and your home. With soft water, your clothes become cleaner and softer, your skin and hair start glowing, stains decrease in glassware, and plumbing problem decreases.
Ready choose a water softener that transforms your home? You should consider an AquaOx water softener - However, read our comprehensive step by step guide with everything you need to know to make the right decision. Here we go!
Step 1: Confirm the Extent of Water Hardness
Once you've noticed signs of hard water, confirm the concentration of hardness to be sure of the situation at hand. Is it at mild or threatening levels? Different water softeners treat varying degrees of water hardness, and testing allows you to treat your particular hard water symptoms.
For accurate and fast results when testing your water hardness, try any of the four methods below:
Soap test: It's a quick and easy test that gives prompt results. Fill the bottle with hard water, add few drops of basic liquid soap and tightly fit the bottle cap. Shake continuously for a few seconds, let the water settle, and assess the solution. A cloudy or milky appearance indicates water hardness.
Use a hard water test kit: These kits come in a variety and are the best option to confirm the specific water minerals causing hardness. When testing, dip the test strip in a glass of water and compare the color changes with color charts. From this, you can know the minerals present and the extent of hardness.
Survey the US hardness map: It shows various regions across the United States with different concentrations of water hardness. Confirm whether your area is listed and the estimated water hardness levels. Alternatively, inquire from your local water provider.
Visit a certified testing laboratory: Do you need detailed results that involve mineral levels, classified water hardness, and microbes present? Visit a professional lab that embraces new water testing technology.
Step 2: Know What You Want
It's easy to narrow down to a water softener of choice when you know what you want. For instance, if you relocate to a particular region for a few days, a simple and economical water softener will serve you. However, when staying for years and you don't intend to move out, buy a water softening machine that lasts and functions for years.
Installing the right water softener system also adds value to your home. If you plan to sell the house in the future, you will attract many potential buyers. It's because the new potential owner knows they'll save on the cost incurred installing a new system. The appliances will also be in prime condition, with fewer chances of malfunctioning.
Step 3: Decide Based on Your Household Needs
How much water meets your household needs? Your family size will influence your decision. More people means a lot of water usage. The demands increase further with more routine home activities. Activities like home cleaning, dishwashing, bathroom use, and cloth washing require a steady water supply.
Since different softeners have varying grain capacities that range in thousands, invest in a water softener that can satisfy the entire home's needs. Also, keep in mind that some seasons will demand more water needs, and your water softener should serve you at that time with ease.
Step 4: Check the Water Softener Specifications
What exactly are you looking for in a water softener? You don't have to understand in detail the technicalities of every water softener that you intend to buy. However, monitoring the specifications ensures that you know some of the key features and their role.
These features include salt grading, electrical consumption, regeneration frequency, meters present, number of cylinders, and flow rate. Note that the water softener size also matters because you want it attached firmly at the water entry point without inconveniencing you. Go for sizes that complement your space needs.
Step 5: Prioritize the Water Softener & it's Value
Consider the value your water softener brings on board. With different manufactures marketing their water softeners as the best in the market, research extensively and opt for tried and tested brands that have invested in quality production.
Whether you're buying online or offline, be sure to compare the prices and settle for what matches your budget. It might take some time, but it's worth it. Again, if the water softener system is for single-use, renting from local stores is a good deal. It saves you money.
Step 6: You're Now Ready to Buy a Water Softener
With this comprehensive step by step guide, you can now check different types of water softeners available for sale and choose what meets your demands and enjoy value for your money. If not sure about local regulations on water softeners, engage the authorities before initiating the purchase.
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