There are a lot of arguments against breeding. Some people have pointed this out to be unethical due to the prominent behavior of other breeders. These issues include overproduction, genetically unhealthy dogs, and more.
You could've possibly looked up the "puppy breeders near me" after learning that you could have your desired dog from breeding it directly. Though this seems unusual for others, there are still various benefits behind this process, such as producing a healthier dog through selective breeding. This meant that you would remove the unpleasant genetic traits and replace them with selected attributes, increasing their chance to be adopted.
Is breeding necessary?
You might not hold the same beliefs, but truth be told, breeding is considered necessary. This is because of purpose breeding.
Purpose breeding simply refers to breeding animals, particularly dogs, to serve a specific job and improve man's quality of life. These could differ from herding livestock to hunting games and serving as a support for people with disabilities.
Did you know that in Mexico, Chihuahuas served the purpose of keeping tarantulas out of the house? Surprising, isn't it? But it's just one example of how bred dogs helped humans live a better life.
Today, breeding doesn't only involve preserving the physical characteristics of pure breed dogs. Breeding could now also produce service dogs who would undergo formal training to support a particular client.
Due to the implemented expansion of organizations' efforts, they have bred dogs that could sense diabetic complications and impending seizures. This type of dog is known as medical alert dogs. Meanwhile, individuals experiencing difficulty in mobility would have the chance the be assisted by a mobility dog, which was specifically trained to provide stability and balance, pulling wheelchairs, or picking up and carrying objects.
Not only that, but these dogs were also trained to have extended patience than their peers.
Could there be a way to find reputable breeders?
The answer is yes! You could find a legitimate dog breeder just by asking your friends and family for referrals. Your veterinarian could even help you to get in contact with a reputable breeder.
If you ever find someone who claims that they're a dog breeder, make sure that you ask them for documents. Some countries would require an individual to have a permit to breed any animal to combat others' unethical breeding practices.
Reputable breeders also stray away from selling their bred puppies online or at a pet store. Their priority would always lie with the safety of the animal. Similarly, they only specialize in a few breeds to prevent overproduction and genetic complications.
Additionally, these breeders would be able to show you the records of the veterinary visits of the pup you're looking forward to having and its parents. This is a way to reassure the buyer that the dog is healthy and encourage potential buyers to check where the puppy was born and raised.
To add to that, they ensure that the puppies are in comfortable cages, so frequent cleaning and expansive spaces are provided to them. After talking with prospective clients and reaching an agreement, both parties would sign a contract to close the transaction.
Reputable breeders even go beyond by requesting the buyers return the pup to them if there's a situation where the buyer couldn't keep the dog anymore.
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