Home Refreshing Tips: Breathe New Life into Your Living Space – LIFESTYLE BY PS icon

Home Refreshing Tips: Breathe New Life into Your Living Space

Looking for ways to breathe new life into your home? You've come to the right place. We're about to dive into some practical and creative home refreshing tips that can transform your living space without burning a hole in your wallet.

Often, you don't need a complete overhaul or expensive renovations to refresh your home. Sometimes, it's the little tweaks here and there that can make all the difference. So whether you're simply tired of looking at the same decor every day or preparing for a special occasion, these tips are sure to give your home a fresh new look.

In this article, we'll cover everything from decluttering techniques and DIY projects, through revamping furniture and incorporating greenery into your space. Stick around if you want to learn how you can turn an ordinary room into something extraordinary!

Living room decor

Decluttering and Organization

Ready to freshen up your living space? Let's dive into decluttering and organization. There's no need to feel overwhelmed. With a solid plan, some sorting techniques, and clever storage solutions, you'll have your home looking spick-and-span in no time.

Creating a Plan

Starting the decluttering process might seem daunting but creating an organized plan can simplify it greatly. First things first, identify the areas of your home that require immediate attention. Then create a timeline for each area - maybe it's the kitchen today, bedroom tomorrow.

  • Step 1: Identify areas
  • Step 2: Create timeline
  • Step 3: Get necessary supplies

Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day! Don't expect instant results – it takes time to get rid of clutter and bring order to chaos.

Sorting and Categorizing

Next step? Sorting through all your stuff! Divide items into categories such as 'Keep', 'Donate', 'Sell' or 'Recycle'. This makes decision-making easier when you're unsure about certain items.




Items used frequently


Gently used items others may benefit from


Unwanted items in good condition


Old paperwork or broken electronics

Don’t forget the golden rule of decluttering - if you haven’t used something for over a year (and it’s not sentimental), let it go!

Maximizing Storage Space

Last but definitely not least is maximizing storage space. You've pared down your belongings; now let's find them suitable homes within yours! Think vertical – use wall shelves or stackable bins for efficient use of space. Consider dual-purpose furniture like ottomans with storage inside or beds with drawers underneath.


  1. Go Vertical - Shelves, hooks.
  2. Use Hidden Spaces - Under the bed, behind doors.
  3. Get Creative - Baskets, over-the-door shoe organizers for miscellaneous items.

In short, decluttering and organizing your home isn't just about tidying up. It's about creating a space that feels good to be in – one where every item has its place and purpose. So roll up those sleeves and get started! You'll thank yourself later.

Color and Lighting

When it comes to refreshing your home, color and lighting play a crucial role. They can completely transform the ambiance of any space. Let's delve deeper into how you can harness these elements effectively.

Choosing a Color Palette

The first step in your home refresh journey is selecting the right color palette. You'll want something that aligns with your personality while also complementing the existing furniture and decor pieces. The most popular colors for homes are neutrals like beige, gray, white, and off-white as they provide an ideal backdrop for various design styles.

Here are some tips to help you choose:

  1. Analyze the room’s size: Lighter shades make rooms appear larger while darker hues create a cozy vibe.
  2. Consider natural light: If there's ample sunlight streaming in, you have more flexibility with darker tones.
  3. Think about mood: Cool colors tend to be calming whereas warm shades evoke energy.

Adding Accent Colors

Now that we've covered base colors let's touch upon accent colors – those little pops of brightness that add visual interest to a room! A well-placed accent color could be on throw pillows or artwork; it instantly lifts up space without overwhelming it.

You don't need to stick strictly within your chosen palette either - sometimes contrast works wonders! For instance:

  • A turquoise vase against an earthy brown wall
  • Bright orange cushions on a navy blue sofa

Natural Light vs Artificial Light

Lighting plays just as vital a role in setting up your perfect home atmosphere as color does! Let's talk about two primary types: natural light (sunlight) versus artificial light (lamps).

Natural light creates an airy feel during daytime hours, enhancing both mood and productivity levels - not to mention it saves energy!

Artificial lighting steps in once the sun goes down or for spaces lacking windows altogether; different kinds such as ambient lighting or task lighting serve different purposes.

Remember to consider the color temperature of your bulbs, as this can drastically impact the perceived color of your walls and furnishings.

In conclusion, when refreshing your home, it's essential to pay close attention to both color and lighting. By choosing a balanced palette and considering both natural and artificial light sources, you'll create an inviting space that truly feels like home.

Furniture and Accessories

It's time to take a closer look at your living space. The furniture and accessories you choose can significantly influence the overall feel of your home. They're not just functional items - they also add character, style, and comfort to your rooms.

Evaluating Current Furniture

Start by assessing what you already have. Are those pieces still serving their purpose? Do they fit with the style or vibe you're aiming for? Perhaps that old couch has seen better days, or maybe it's simply time for a change.

Here are some factors to consider when evaluating your current furniture:

  • Comfort: Does it still provide a cozy spot for relaxation?
  • Functionality: Is it practical and useful in its current location?
  • Style: Does it align with the rest of your décor?

Remember, even if an item is worn out, doesn't mean it's useless! With a little creativity and elbow grease, many pieces can be upcycled into something fresh and new.

Selecting New Furniture Pieces

If you've decided that new furniture is on the cards, then there are several things to keep in mind while shopping around:

  1. Quality over quantity
  2. Size matters
  3. Balance function with aesthetics

A high-quality piece might cost more upfront but will often last longer than cheaper alternatives—making them more cost-effective in the long run!

While selecting new pieces, always consider their size relative to the room's dimensions—it shouldn't dominate nor disappear within the space.

Finally remember - each piece should not only look good but also serve its intended function well!

Accessorizing with Decorative Items

Accessorizing isn't just about making things pretty—it adds layers of personality to any room! From vibrant throw pillows on your sofa to an eclectic assortment of trinkets displayed on open shelving—these decorative items tell YOUR story.

Consider these tips when choosing accessories:

  • Use bold colors and patterns to inject energy into a room.
  • Create visual interest with varied textures and materials.
  • Stick to a theme for cohesion but don't be afraid of mixing styles.

Remember, the key to accessorizing is balance. Too few items can make a space feel sparse while too many can lead to clutter. Happy refreshing!

Walls and Floors

Choosing the Right Paint

When it's time to revamp your space, picking the right paint color can make all the difference. Think about how you want your room to feel. Do you crave a relaxing atmosphere? Soft blues or greens might be just what you're looking for. If a vibrant and energetic vibe is more your style, consider bold reds or oranges.

It's important to remember that paint colors can look different depending on lighting and other elements in the room. So before making a final decision, purchase small cans of your top choices and apply samples on your wall. You'll be able to see how they look at different times of day under various light conditions.

Decorations and Art

Wall Decor

Now let's talk about wall decor - an essential element in refreshing any home interior. From framed photographs to decorative mirrors, wall decor adds personality to your space while also serving as visual interest points.

Try these ideas:

  • Create a gallery wall with family photos.
  • Hang an oversized mirror in smaller rooms for depth.
  • Use floating shelves for displaying art pieces or souvenirs.

Custom Photo From a Painting

Another unique way of decorating walls is by turning personal photos into custom paintings. It not only gives rooms an artistic touch but also makes memories come alive every time you glance at them.

There are several online platforms offering this service:

  1. Instapainting
  2. My DaVinci
  3. Paint Your Life

Just upload your photo, select size & frame options, then sit back & wait for delivery!

Flooring Options

Flooring plays another critical role when refreshing homes because it impacts both aesthetics & functionality of spaces. Here are some popular choices:

  • Hardwood: Classic choice that adds warmth; available in various styles like oak, cherry or maple.
  • Carpet: Offers comfort underfoot; great option for bedrooms.
  • Tile: Durable and easy to clean; perfect for kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Laminate: Affordable, yet stylish; can mimic look of wood or stone.

Remember, the best flooring option depends on your lifestyle, budget, and room function. So whether you're painting walls a new color or switching up your floors - small changes can have a big impact!

Plants and Greenery

Breathing life into your home doesn't have to mean a major renovation. You'd be surprised how much a bit of green can do! Adding plants to your living space not only refreshes the aesthetic but also brings about numerous health benefits.

Benefits of Indoor Plants

Did you know indoor plants are more than just pretty decor? They're natural air purifiers, helping to remove toxins from the environment. According to NASA's Clean Air Study, certain species like snake plant and peace lilies can filter out chemicals such as formaldehyde and benzene.

Here's what some common houseplants can do:

  • Snake Plant: Filters out formaldehyde found in cleaning products
  • Peace Lily: Absorbs mold spores through its leaves
  • Spider Plant: Battles benzene, commonly found in gasoline

Aside from their detoxifying properties, they also release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. This exchange helps increase humidity levels indoors which may benefit those with respiratory conditions.

Selecting Low-Maintenance Plants

If you're new to plant parenting or simply don't have much time on your hands, it's crucial to select low-maintenance species. Succulents like Aloe Vera require minimal watering - once every 2 weeks should suffice!

Other easy-to-care-for options include:

  1. Snake Plant: Needs water every 2-3 weeks
  2. ZZ Plant: Thrives even under low light
  3. Pothos: Can grow in water or soil

Remember that overwatering is often more detrimental than underwatering for most indoor plants.

Incorporating Plants into Different Rooms

Now that we've covered why you need them and which ones are beginner-friendly let’s delve into incorporating these green gems throughout your home! In general, aim for one potted plant per 100 square feet for adequate air purification.

For instance:

Living Room: Use large plants like the fiddle leaf fig for a statement piece. Kitchen: Herbs such as basil and mint are both functional and decorative. Bathroom: Opt for ferns and orchids that thrive in humidity.

With these tips, you're well on your way to creating a lush, breathable home!

Final Thoughts

You've journeyed through a comprehensive guide to refreshing your home, and now it's time to put those tips into action. Every corner of your home holds the potential for revitalization, and you're the one with the power to make it happen.

Firstly, don't forget about decluttering. This simple task can have a transformative effect on any space. It's not just about making things look tidy; it's also about creating an environment that feels comfortable and inviting.

When it comes to repainting, remember that colors can dramatically change the mood of a room. Opt for shades that reflect your personality or evoke certain feelings like calmness or happiness.

Here are some key points from our guide:

  • Declutter regularly
  • Repaint with purpose
  • Add plants for natural beauty
  • Use lighting strategically
  • Don't forget about fragrances

It’s important to note these aren’t hard and fast rules but suggestions based on expert advice and industry trends. Every home is unique - as are its inhabitants - so feel free to get creative!

Try rearranging furniture or incorporating elements from different design styles until you find what works best for you. You might surprise yourself by discovering new preferences along the way! Remember, refreshing your home isn’t just about aesthetic appeal; it’s also an opportunity for self-expression.

Finally, take advantage of all available resources at your disposal when embarking on this exciting endeavor: online guides like ours, DIY videos on YouTube, interior design blogs...the list goes on! By combining these resources with your personal taste and creativity, there's no limit to what you can achieve in terms of transforming your living space into a true reflection of who you are.

Now go ahead – let every room in your house tell its own story!