Gluteus Medius Pain: Causes and Ways of Treatment
June 04, 2021

Gluteus Medius Pain: Causes and Ways of Treatment

Gluteus Medius Pain

The gluteus medius is the number one muscle that causes lower back pain. Many of these pains can be dealt with very quickly with proper attention to the gluteus medius muscles.

Do you have pain sensations in the gluteus muscle that resemble lower backache? In most cases, they are caused by trigger points and are called “lumbago”. What are gluteus medius pain causes? The reflected pain spreads mainly along the posterior part of the iliac crest, as well as in the sacrum, and radiates to the posterior and external parts of the buttocks. It can reach the upper thighs.

The muscle is innervated through the lower branch of the superior gluteal nerve by the spinal roots. This is the abductor muscle of the thigh, the main function of which is to stabilize the pelvis while standing on one leg. While walking, the gluteus medius prevents the possibility of a sudden fall towards the raised leg. That’s why you’re recommended to consult a hip pain specialist in NYC. An expert will recommend effective methods of gluteus medius physical therapy when you suffer from gluteus medius spasm.

In the presence of trigger points in this muscle, glute medius pain when walking is characteristic, as well as pain in gluteus maximus and hip when lying on the back or on the affected side and when sitting in a chair bent over. Weak glutes hip pain reflected from trigger points may resemble pain associated with a sacroiliac joint. During the examination of the patient, it is necessary to observe the patient's gait to exclude the presence of foot deformity, Morton's neuroma, and also assess the volume of hip abduction in the hip joint.

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Patients complain of pain that occurs when walking. They note discomfort in a sitting position, bent over in such a way that pressure on trigger points occurs under the weight of their own mass. Avoiding compression on trigger points, patients cannot sleep on the affected side, preferring to lie on their back or the opposite side. But in the lateral position, compression of trigger points in the posterior fibers of the gluteus medius muscle is possible.

Therefore, it is necessary to place a pillow between the knees, thereby preventing excessive adduction of the hip in the hip joint and eliminating the painful tension of the compacted bundles of muscle fibers in this muscle. The best sleeping position is between the supine and lateral positions while placing a pillow under the lower back.

How to Treat Gluteus Medius Pain?

The choice of basic procedures depends on the reasons that provoke the formation of trigger points in the gluteus medius muscle. If the main problem is damage to the spinal roots, which causes a violation of the innervation of this muscle, as well as the muscles working in conjunction with it, you must restore the lumbosacral spine.

The basic methods of gluteus medius dysfunction treatment, in this case, are auto gravitational traction of the spine and, in the presence of intervertebral hernias, electrophoresis with Karipain. Traction removes compression of the nerve roots and restores their blood supply.

Also, one of the main effects of traction is the reduction of disc herniation due to their return to their normal anatomical boundaries, as well as restoration of the disc capsules, which is necessary to keep the internal substance of the disc in its anatomical boundaries. Karipain resolves non-viable tissues: deformed disc herniation fibers, adhesions, micro scars. At the same time, the mutual mobility of tissues related to each other improves. The blood supply to this area is restored, and the work of muscles is facilitated.

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