Workplace Lawsuit
November 28, 2023

Bryan Fuller: Not So Fast on the Hostile Workplace Lawsuit

The lawsuit that Sam Wineman has filed against AMC and Bryan Fuller has left Hollywood and those who worked with them shocked. The lawsuit accuses Bryan Fuller of inappropriate behavior, including sexual harassment and assault. Those who know both men and worked with them on the set of "Queer for Fear," where the allegations allegedly took place, seem to dispute Wineman's claims of a harsh and inappropriate work environment.

Sam Wineman is a filmmaker and Bryan Fuller is a television writer and producer.Sam Wineman filed a lawsuit, accusing Bryan Fuller of touching him inappropriately, verbally abusing him, and making lewd comments.

Colleagues Defend Fuller

These days, most people in Hollywood are tight-lipped when it comes to defending people accused of sexual assault. This is likely due to the stigma that comes with it and people not knowing whether the allegations are true. However, in this case, 14 colleagues have come to the defense of Bryan Fuller. They say they never saw any of the things mentioned in Wineman's lawsuit and even go on to say that everything they saw and experienced from Fuller was professional and competent.

These colleagues also say that Sam Wineman was difficult to get along with and that they saw a lot of unprofessional behavior from him. Ultimately, he was fired from the set, and some think the reason for these allegations is that he was displeased with how things ended.

Chelsea Shepherd Speaks Up

Producer Chelsea Shepherd had never worked with Bryan Fuller before this project, but she came out in his defense. She said that while she had nothing to gain from speaking out and defending Fuller, the claims in the lawsuit were so ridiculous that she had to speak up and share her thoughts.

She said that she never witnessed anything alleged in the lawsuit and even went on to speak of Fuller and Wineman's professional relationship. "I would never allow anything like that to happen on a set that I had control over. That said, Bryan and Sam butted heads with creative differences all the time. But there was no strange or inappropriate behavior between them, or I would have stepped in."

Because of how early this lawsuit is, it's important to withhold judgment, and it’s clear some people jumped to a conclusion way to early when believing Wineman.  Now that more facts have come to light, it seems Sam Wineman may be out for revenge here as opposed to justice.

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