Breaking Free: A Complete Guide to Overcoming Substance Abuse – LIFESTYLE BY PS icon

Breaking Free: A Complete Guide to Overcoming Substance Abuse

A person might recognize they have an addiction and want to take steps to break this addiction. However, they may not know what steps they must take to achieve this goal. Admitting there is a problem is the most important thing. Once a person does this, they are on the path to recovery. 

No person becomes addicted to a substance willing. They figured they could try the substance and quit whenever they wanted. When they tried to stop, however, they quickly realized the problem had escalated beyond their control. This doesn't mean a person is stuck with the addiction for life. This guide provides a path to overcoming substance abuse for anyone willing to take this step. It outlines the steps that must be taken and how to go about finding the right treatment solutions for substance abuse

Understanding Addiction

A person may say they want to quit only to find they cannot do so. Certain drugs change the way the brain functions. For example, some drugs increase dopamine activity in the brain, and this dopamine reinforces the behavior. This reinforcement makes it harder to stop using the drug, even when the person truly wants to do so. 

Increased dopamine activity is only one way drugs change brain functioning. Many factors play a role in a person's addiction. For example, some drugs reduce activity in the frontal cortex. This decreased activity makes it harder for the user to make decisions. They may want to stop using but find they are unable to even when they know the consequences of this use. 

Reach Out to a Doctor

Overcoming this addiction will probably require the assistance of a doctor. The doctor won't handle the treatment aspect of the process. They can provide guidance in finding a treatment program that can be of help. In addition, they can help the user address any health issues that have arisen as a result of drug use. 

Choose a Treatment Program

Some people find they can take part in an outpatient treatment program and overcome their addiction. Other men and women, however, need intensive treatment on an inpatient basis. With many programs to choose from today, every patient should be able to find one that will help them break the habit. 

Expect Relapses

Nobody is perfect. Every user should expect to relapse, although not all do. One key to beating the addiction is to understand relapses happen and this doesn't mean the person failed in overcoming the addiction. With a plan in place to handle relapses, it becomes easier for the addict to get back on the right path to recovery. 

Identify Triggers

Many relapses are caused by triggers. For example, a user might find themselves in a particular situation common to what they encountered when they used the drug regularly. They don't know how to act now that they are not using and fall into destructive patterns once again. By identifying these triggers, the addict can take steps to avoid these situations, so they aren't tempted to return to drugs and end up relapsing. 

Every user needs to find a treatment plan that works for them. Finding this program may take some time and effort, but the user and their loved ones should not give up. Recovering from an addiction is possible. It takes time and effort on the user's part and a good support system. With these two things in place, a person will find they can beat the addiction and have a higher quality of life.