Hand Engraving
January 09, 2024

A Beginner's Guide To Hand Engraving

Many friends ask me how to get started carving. When it comes to this question, for veterans, will encourage beginners directly pick up the carving knife bold carve on it. But this is seriously wrong! Beginners with a carving knife will be at a loss, and do not know where to start. With the help of this article, I am going to show the beginners the steps of carving.

The first thing you can do is to start by carving something simple like a geometric figure using a radish. At this point, you need to be able to find a figure to look at carefully, and then follow its contours as you slowly carve on the radish! In this process, you must slow down. Although you may face many failures, make sure not to give up. Just practice more in general. After all, practice makes perfect!

When you can easily carve simple geometric shapes or small animals out of the radish. Congratulations! You have successfully passed the novice stage! Next, you can draw more complex patterns on the radish. If you don't know which pattern to carve, you can just search online, which can help you find your favorite pattern easily. Again, draw them on your radishes and practice patiently.

Moreover, at this step, you can buy a set of carving knives that suit your needs. Hey, you know what, it's not that hard, they must be sold inside large supermarkets. If you have enough cash, I recommend you buy an electric pneumatic engraver set. It does carve much faster than a normal carving graver. If you intend to carve with wood, I suggest you wear thick cotton gloves! Guess what, it will keep the wood chips from abrading your skin.

Hand Engraving

Carving in wood is a complex task. You need to pick the right wood first. For beginners, I recommend using softwoods such as pine, ginkgo, heather, etc. This can greatly improve your efficiency. Start by going online choosing a favored wood carving and printing it off. Then pencil and draw lightly on top of your chosen wood. Of course, if you have a proficiency in art, you can simply ignore the drawing process. Next, you'll want to slowly carve to the grain of the wood. If you are printing the wood carving from the internet, then you can easily tell the convex and concave grain.

The last step is sanding. This is a step that many beginners tend to ignore. But sanding is crucial. It is related to the ornamental value and durability of your final product. My habit is to sand with coarse sandpaper first, and when the work is smooth as a whole, then sand with fine sandpaper. Of course, you can add a bit of olive oil during the sanding process. This will add to the luster of your piece.

Although metalworking techniques such as welding and assembling have become increasingly important recently, hand engraving remains an important way to convey an author's aesthetic ideas.

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