5 Ways to Cope With the Loss of a Pet
June 18, 2021

5 Ways to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

5 Ways to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

The bonds we form with our pets are indeed something spectacular. Pets aren’t just pets. They are your life companions, your family, your best friend. When life brings us down, they help us feel better. A pet offers unconditional love and support, which makes our bond with them intense and powerful.

Having a pet adds a unique joy to our daily lives, which is why losing a pet brings tremendous grief. The painful loss is understandably overwhelming, especially to those who formed a powerful bond with their pet. The experience is inevitable, but there are healthy ways to cope with the grief. One is pet urns, which allow people to have some level of closure with their deceased pet that you can buy online. The second thing is memorial items, such as a plaque or a photo on a tribute wall. Well, here are a few other ways to cope, have a look.

1. Take the time you need

Everyone processes grief differently. There is no set amount of time for you to grieve. Allow yourself to go at your own pace, and don’t rush the process. Coping with grief comes gradually, and the progress isn’t linear. You can feel better one day and feel grief the next, and that’s okay.

2. Allow yourself to feel the pain

Some of us might think we should feel a certain way at a specific time. However, no one owns your grief but you. You need to allow yourself to feel whatever it is that you think. Ignoring your feelings will only prolong the grieving process. Moreover, allow yourself to express what you’re feeling and let it out. You can cry, scream, write a journal, dance, anything as long as it is not harmful. You can move on and let go when you feel ready.

3. Establish a support system

You don’t have to go through this on your own! Surround yourself with friends and family who love you and talk to them. Having someone willing to listen and walk with you in this process can be helpful to your emotional well-being.

In cases wherein your family or friends aren’t able to give you the support you need, you can reach out to others who also went through pet loss. There are support groups online and hotlines that you can check out.

4. Practice self-care

Losing a pet can be devastating, but you mustn’t forget to care for yourself as you work out your grief. There are many self-care practices out there that can work for you. You might even already have a self-care routine. Whether it’s drawing yourself a bath, watching your favorite show, or even eating your comfort food, self-care will help make you feel better.

5. Create something to honor your pet’s memory

Honor your pet’s memory through cremation jewelry. You can even have a personalized memorial engraving of your pet’s name or paw print! That way, you can always have something to remember them with, through something you can wear. It’s also a symbolic way of keeping them close to you.

Other ways you can honor their memory is through a funeral or a ceremony for your pet. That space can provide comfort and a sense of closure, and it’s a great way to celebrate your pet’s life with family and friends.

Losing a beloved pet is understandably hard to go through. All of us will have ways to come to terms with the grief, but it’s always good to know where we can start. Who knows, your heart may eventually open itself to another friend.

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