4 Signs you Need Chiropractic Treatment for a Pinched Nerve
September 16, 2021

4 Signs you Need Chiropractic Treatment for a Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve is not uncommon among those who spend countless hours hunched over their laptops. And whenever it occurs, it causes a lot of pain and discomfort. While some individuals ignore the pain, thinking it will go on its own, others prefer a chiropractic treatment for pinched nerves to get relief and improve their range of motion. But how will you know the pain or discomfort you are experiencing is due to nerve compression? Look for these warning signs to ensure whether or not you have pinched nerves:

1. Pins and needles sensation

There are mainly three types of nerves - sensory nerves, motor nerves, and autonomic nerves. While sensory nerves are responsible for feeling things, motor nerves control your muscles’ voluntary movements. The autonomic nerves control automatic organ-related functions, including breathing and sweating. Experiencing pins and needles generally means the sensory nerve is compressed, which blocks the signals. This prickly sensation, which is paresthesia, is an early indicator of carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Numbness

Has it ever happened to you that you don’t feel your arm in the morning because you were sleeping on it? It happens due to poor blood flow to the nerve, resulting in oxygen deprivation in nerve cells. Your arm feels numb until the pressure is relieved. Similarly, when you stay in a position for too long or consistently put pressure on a particular body part, you experience loss of sensation due to decreased blood flow. If you are facing any issue, then you must consult with a professional chiropractor who can help you with the issue.

3. ‘Falling asleep’ sensation

When you sit in a position for too long or in the wrong way, you experience the feeling of your legs ‘falling asleep’. The sensation generally goes away when you move your legs or rent them in a particular position. This happens when the nerve is temporarily compressed with your sitting position or posture. But if your foot, legs, hands, and arms fall asleep a lot, you might need to visit a chiropractor to check the reason for nerve compression. You can book an appointment with experienced chiropractic practitioners from Active Edge functional medicine treatment.

4. Muscle weakness

Muscle weakness occurs when a motor nerve is pinched, blocking the connection between the brain and the muscles. When nerves in your legs are pinched, you experience difficulty in performing everyday tasks, like walking. When the nerves in your arms are compressed, they are not able to transmit signals correctly to the brain. As a result, you are unable to accomplish tasks like holding a pencil or writing.

Don’t ignore the warning signs for too long, as it may cause irreparable damage to the nerves. If you experience loss of grip strength, numbness, and muscle weakness, meet an experienced chiropractor for spinal adjustments and other effective therapies, like cryotherapy and electrical muscle stimulation. Depending on the symptoms related to the pain, they will suggest the proper chiropractic treatment for pinched nerves.