Organic pork is a healthier alternative to non-organic pork. It has more nutrients that are easier and better for your body to digest, especially when sourced from reputable grass fed beef suppliers. Organic pork is also a lot safer than non-organic pork. Studies have shown that chemicals used in the production of non-organic meat can lead to cancer-causing agents called nitrosamines.
Non-organic pork can contain up to 10 times the amount of antibiotics and growth stimulants like ractopamine, an animal feed additive that is banned from human consumption in 160 countries, including China, Russia, Taiwan, and European Union nations but not the U.S.. This chemical increases muscle mass without increasing fat or improving taste in hogs, making it an effective way to boost profits when hog prices are low.
The vast majority of pork sold in the U.S. comes from hogs fattened with ractopamine, according to scientists working with advocacy group Consumers Union as well as organic food producers and other meat companies. It can cause a range of reactions including nausea, diarrhea, high blood pressure, and dizziness in humans; it has also been linked to increased aggression and heart arrhythmia in pigs. Ractopamine is banned in China because it causes heart problems and hyperactivity but it is still used here in the United States.
Ractopamine is added to feed at low levels (0.1% or lower) that are considered harmless for people – tests show they are much less than what people would get if they were eating the meat, as much of the drug is expelled in urine and feces. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it's safe for pork, beef, and turkey—and has tested only for them, not other animals that also eat the feed (like chickens).
However, according to an investigation by Consumer Reports in 2008: "Our tests showed that levels of ractopamine in chicken could be high enough to cause excessive heart rates, hyperactivity and pneumonia." Humans who are exposed to residues of ractopamine can also exhibit these same symptoms and some scientists worry about children who may be particularly susceptible to its effects. Some dogs have even developed seizures after coming in contact with tainted meat products.
Here are 4 of the most important reasons from why you should be eating organic pork than non-organic pork. This also applies to every other kind of meat as well.
1. Organic Pork Is Cleaner Than Non-Organic Pork
Organic pork is healthier for your body and environment, due to the lack of harmful chemicals used to grow it. Conventional pork contains hormones that are harmful to you, antibiotics used in its production, and residues from such chemicals as pesticides.
Pork raised conventionally is 15 times more likely to be contaminated with dangerous bacteria than organic pork. Most antibiotic-resistant strains of salmonella come from conventional domestic pigs. This danger doesn't just affect you; many drugs cannot cure this kind of infection because they are "mirror images" of normal human proteins. Antibiotics will have no effect on these bacterial toxins either!
2. Organic Pork Has More Nutrients Than Non-Organic Pork
Organically raised swine do not receive hormones that interfere with growth, which results in meat that is leaner and healthier. Because it's free from the antibiotics used to control disease caused by unsanitary conditions and feed laced with drugs, organic pork has less saturated fat than non-organic pork.
Organically raised swine are allowed to forage on pasture, where they eat a variety of grasses as well as other plants like dandelions and clover. The quality of their diet enhances the flavor of their flesh, making it more tender and flavorful than conventional pork. This unique taste cannot be replicated by any amount of artificial flavoring or marinade!
Pigs were not made to eat corn - which accounts for 85% of what Americans eat! Corn provides very little nutritional value; however, it is loaded with sugar and other carbohydrates.
Organic pork producers also practice environmental sustainability so the land can continue to produce food for generations. The use of pesticides, hormones, or antibiotic drugs by conventional farmers causes destructive run-offs that pollute our waterways.
3. Organic Pork Has Fewer Pesticides In It
Farmers who raise organic pigs are not allowed to feed them animal byproducts like manure from other farms (putrid slop) as non-organic farmers do. This has caused a rise in 'super litterbugs', these super bacteria have been becoming immune to the antibiotics used on animals because they're being fed these antibiotics every day! These superbugs are able to live on the slop that conventional farmers feed their pigs. When the animal is slaughtered, these superbugs are present in the meat that you eat, which could make you very ill!
Organic farmers take great care to ensure that no man-made chemicals will contaminate their pastures and their herd. They must follow strict guidelines about what they can and cannot do on their land; for example, manure from other farms or animals cannot be added to theirs, and nonorganic feeds are prohibited
These farmers also have more respect for the environment of where they farm instead of trying to make a quick buck by destroying it with no regard to others!
4. They Live In Open Spaces
Pigs that are raised in conventional farms are forced to live in cramped cages where they cannot move around freely, nor get proper sunlight, fresh air, and exercise. In their natural environment, they can run up to 3 miles a day! Pigs that are raised conventionally do not see daylight or breathe fresh air - all these factors make them stressed out animals.
Organic farmers let the pigs be outside as much as possible; this reduces stress and increases the quality of meat you receive because their muscles grow stronger through exercise while being treated well!
Organic farming does have many benefits over traditional factory farming methods. One of the greatest advantages is that organic farming encourages good animal welfare practices. This means that organic pork producers take great care of their animals' living conditions just like any other animal lover would. The difference is that the animals are free to roam around and live in a clean environment.
The meat from these free-range pigs will be leaner than non-organic pork, which has more saturated fats because of the way they're fed as well as antibiotics to make them grow faster.
Making the right choice when buying meat and other animal products is very important. Choosing non-organic or factory-farmed meat can cause harm to your health as well as the animals themselves. Making a smart decision now will make for a sound future, so choose organic livestock and get the best quality of food!
Also, by eating only natural pork, there are no artificial flavors to mask how it naturally tastes! What's more, when you buy organic meats instead of regular meats, you're supporting more sustainable agriculture practices that respect both the environment and the animals being raised in them. It may cost more money but with all these benefits why would you want to eat anything else?!
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