3 Tips for Dealing With a Divorce During the Holidays
October 19, 2021

3 Tips for Dealing With a Divorce During the Holidays

Divorce and separations are tough, but there's no denying that the Holidays are the worst time to end a marriage. We are usually bombarded with Christmas miracles and love movies that we cannot help but get into the mood of hope, happiness, and a renewed sense that dreams and miracles really do come true. Everyone is guilty of being less productive and getting into the seasonal mood.

But how are you expected to accept the beauty of the holidays when your reality is fighting with your spouse and dividing up time with the children and being sad at a time that was often brimming with happiness and good times? Chances are you are dealing with broken hearts, traditions, and even promises. All is not lost though! Here are some tips that should not only help you get through a holiday divorce but get the most out of it.

1. Make New Traditions

When dealing with a divorce during the Christmas season, avoid thinking about the traditions you won't be able to hold, and instead see it as an opportunity to make new ones. If there are special things you did as a family, take this opportunity to switch them up. However, do not force it as traditions take time to take hold. Regardless, it is a great opportunity to reshape the holidays into something that you and your loved ones will learn to cherish.

2. Take Maximum Advantage of What You Have

If you have the kids for some or half of the time, you'll want to make the most out of it. Take this time to spend as much time with your children as possible, preparing for the holidays. Do anything from prepping to cooking and everything in between that will foster new memories for you and your loved ones. Also, keep in mind that you do not have to go overboard in order to make special memories.

3. Do Not Push Too Hard

If your divorce is still in its adjustment stage, the last thing you want to do is push too hard for the 'perfect holiday'. Doing this will only make things worse and ruin the holidays for everyone. Even if you feel pressured to make this holiday one of a kind, remember that nothing happens naturally when forced. So, take things as they come and know that not all your ideas or suggestions will be well-pressured. Also, you don't want to put too much pressure on your children during the festive season.

If it all gets too much then try and get away from it all with a break. There’s plenty of options to escape this year and Christmas will be a popular time. However, keep an eye out for something local – for many a UK staycation can be a great way to have a break and get some perspective on things and how you feel.

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