Home parties are great for any age. When you grow up, they can be such a great substitute for clubbing or dining out with friends if you want to save some cash. Especially right now if you are trying to survive the current inflation but still have some fun.
House parties, again no matter the age of the guests, require some entertainment and laughter, some drinks, and a decent amount of food. And if you are adulting, as long as one of you is willing to offer their home for the party's location, everyone can chip in with some money and have a great time on a budget.
The food and drinks are half the fun, so you’ll need some games to take care of the entertainment. The games, combined with some carefully selected spirits will for sure provide laughter.
You’ve done this before we hear you say? Why not take it to the next level then? We’re here to offer you amazing three house party games that are so awesome they can set the tone of the party and become its theme.
In the next lines, you will find instructions on how to decorate the place of the party, what drinks to buy, what food to prepare, and even what costumes to wear to make everything about the game you and your guest will play.
Beer pong
In case you have never heard of it, beer pong is a game that involves two teams trying to get each other drunk by throwing a ping pong ball in beer cups. On a long table, teams take sides and arrange their eight glasses full of beer in a formation that looks like a pyramid. They take turns throwing a ping pong ball in the opponents' glasses. As long as they hit a glass, a member of the opponent team has to drink the beer from it.
This is a pretty simple game but it can be a lot of fun. As long as you are able to drink responsibly of course. You can use a different type of drink if beer is not a favorite for you and your guests. Prosecco is often the modern choice to substitute it. We don’t recommend shots for this, however. Members of the teams can also take turns and make sure there are as many of them as possible to avoid heavy drinking which could seriously jeopardize the fun.
If you’re wondering how this game can be the theme of your party, we would like you to think about the usual place it’s played. It’s a college bar or dorm common space, right? So for the decor, we recommend the usual minimalism of places like this. Make sure you have the cheapest glasses and as much equipment as possible from your college years: books, clothes, whatever you can think of. Dressing up will make it even more special: encourage your guests to wear their clothes from that time or to dress up as a classic character from a TV show or movie set in a college campus.
As for food, you can make any sort of easy and cheap pasta, chicken rolls, cup of soup, order pizza, or any other not-so-healthy takeout. And if you really want to make something slightly healthier, make a classic homemade dinner and pretend it’s one of those days the food your mom sent arrived.
Poker is a great game for a party, especially if you don’t want it to be all about alcoholic drinks. The rules of poker are not complicated, but you might want to talk about them before you start. Just to make sure you are all on the same page.
Poker requires strategy and some thinking which might not be everyone’s idea of Saturday night fun. Even if you decide to play in real money or promise some sort of award for the last person standing.
That’s the way a poker-themed night is a great idea. The players will enjoy the play and others the opportunity to dress up or play a certain role around the game itself: they can be the security guard, the dealer, the waitress, the player who waits their turn but never gets it… What your guests will wear depends on which era you agree on but we recommend something like the Golden age of Vegas. This will make it more fun for those who might not take their chances in the game itself.
As for the food and drinks, the range is quite wide because poker is usually played in a casino, and casinos tend to offer so much. We suggest sticking to some classics like whiskey or maybe have a cocktail night. As for food, whatever matches the drinks you chose will be perfect. Think classy and fancy and you’ll stick to the theme.
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Karaoke is a game everyone should enjoy. If you have never heard of it, it requires you to have a karaoke machine or a program on your computer and a microphone. You’ll play a song of choice, the lyrics of it will be on the screen and you and your guests will enjoy a wonderful night of singing and dancing to your favorite songs.
You can borrow decor ideas from the karaoke bars which are like any bar or club. As for the food and drinks they can be similar to the ones found in bars. Just make sure you have enough drinks for everyone because many will require some liquid courage to join the singing.
To make it even more fun, ask your guests to dress up as their favorite singers and take on the challenge of singing only their songs.
To conclude
If you and your friends, coworkers, or family members already spend a lot of time partying together, you might want to make it more interesting by playing a game. And if you already tried all the games, take it to the next level by making the whole night all about the game of choice, as we explained above.
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