How to Look Stylish While Working from Home?
October 07, 2020

How to Look Stylish While Working from Home?

With the fear of the pandemic in 2020, most offices have shut down and employees are forced to work from home to maintain social distancing. This has also led to people comfortably wearing their pajamas while working from home.

Well, there is nothing wrong about it, but it has been noted that people who dress up for work even at home are far more productive. By dressing up for work, we do not mean you should just find a pair of formal wear and start working, even if it is not that comfortable.

Remember, you have to dress smart for work as well be comfortable as at the end of the day, there should be some advantage of staying at home and working. 

Here are a few tips that will help you stay stylish even when you work from home.

1. Stay Tuned with the Latest Fashion:

As we all have restricted going out, not staying in fashion will make your fashion knowledge outdated. When the pandemic ends, you may find it difficult to catch up with the fashion trends. Which is why it is essential to always stay updated with the trends and keep your wardrobe updated accordingly.

2. Don't Get too Comfortable:

Working in your pajamas can make you very comfortable and psychologically you may feel lazy, which in-turn affects your productivity. This is why change your outfit and dress up for work. Try to maintain a routine of getting ready every day before work, just like you used to do before leaving for work. This routine will tune your mind and make it ready for the work ahead, hence you will be more productive.

3. Fill Your Wardrobe with Colours:

The pandemic has made our lives dull, hence wearing colorful outfits will add some brightness in our day. This is just a simple way to make you feel cheerful when at work. 

4. Focus on Waist-Up Fashion:

If you are working with a team or have to conduct client meetings, online conference calls are how you conduct meeting nowadays. As the people on the other end only get to see you waist up, that is where you should focus on.

It is ok to wear jeans and slippers at the bottom if you are wearing a good quality formal shirt on the top paired with a nice tie and accessorized with a premium watch to add that extra touch. Think about designs and prints that look good on conference call as what looks good to your eyes may not flatter you on cameras.

5. Set an Outfit Budget:

Setting a small amount aside for your home-work outfits makes sure that you do take it seriously. Spend the amount not just on outfits but also accessories like jewelry, footwear, watches and even perfumes. A few items may overshoot your budget like buying premium watches hence make sure to read luxury watch reviews and reviews of premium watches before you indulge.

6. Do Not Forget Hair and Makeup:

Fashion is not just about wearing nice clothes or accessorizing yourself, but also to make yourself look presentable by doing the right hair and makeup for the job.

It is not yet clear when we can start back our normal lives and go back to work from the office, but till then do not let your clothes rot. Enhance your fashion quotient and look professional while doing business, even if it is from home.

How to Look Stylish While Working from Home

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