November 27, 2015

The Ultimate Guide To Fragrances Infographic


Fragrance, to me is the most important part of your personal style.

How you smell has a significant effect on how people perceive you.

Here’re some of the benefits of wearing a perfume.

  • Increases your level of attractiveness.
  • Increase your perceived level of trust.
  • Reduce stress levels.
  • Increase confidence levels.
  • Increase your alertness.
  • Double your chances of getting a woman’s phone number.

I personally know a lot of guys who are hesitant to use a fragrance regularly. They only wear perfume on some special occasions. Which I think is not the right thing to do.

I strongly recommend you wearing fragrance every single day. And if possible you should always carry a bottle of your favourite perfume or at least a can deodorant where you go.

Now, to help you choose the right fragrance and learn how to wear the fragrance correctly, Antonio of RMRS has put together immensely useful images.

So, we’ve stitched all different images together and created this super useful infographic for you.

Hope you’ll love this. And if you do, then please share with your friends. (We’re counting on ya!)

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