Web Scraping Pros and Cons in the Example of Nannostomus Services
May 26, 2023

Web Scraping Pros and Cons in the Example of Nannostomus Services

More and more information appears on the internet nowadays. Techjury claims that presently over 1.14 tln MB of data is created daily. Consequently, it's increasingly harder to process online information today. This problem particularly affects e-business holders. Such entrepreneurs just can't stay competitive if they aren't able to handle the latest data related to their industries. Web scraping may help solve the specified issue by simplifying and accelerating online info processing.

Some entrepreneurs still don't believe that data extraction may enhance their businesses, though. That's mostly due to plenty of unskilled web scrapers proposing poor-quality services in the market. So, it's obviously necessary to describe features of data collection offerings from reputable IT companies to increase the confidence level of such services. E.g., Nannostomus stands out for its flawless reputation. Thus, let's look at the peculiarities of web scraping services proposed by this company.

Advantages of Data Extraction Bots by Nannostomus

Web Scraping Pros and Cons

Such robots can save a significant amount of your time. This is because the bots are able to collect loads of data in a few hours. On the other hand, it may take up to a week to process the same amount of information for live employees. As a result, entrepreneurs can make decisions much faster than their rivals.

Full Process Automation

Data extraction bots by Nannostomus perform all the necessary operations by themselves. So, you don't need to hire numerous employees and pay salaries to them when employing such robots. Moreover, data scraping automation has the following pros:

  • ability to collect information on the internet 24/7 sans effectiveness reducing;
  • lack of human factor and consequently the absence of mistakes;
  • possibility to quickly create reports.

Additionally, it's worth noting that web scraping robots' settings may be changed. So, you may use the bots to achieve different goals.

Absence of Huge Investment-Making Necessity

Nannostomus proposes favorable pricing to its clients. Also, you won't have to spend much money on maintaining data extraction robots. Furthermore, entrepreneurs can use such bots to improve the content on their online platforms. That includes seeking trendy topics for blog articles, discovering more detailed info about products you sell, etc. This can essentially decrease expenses on SEO.

Web Scraping Disadvantages

Web Scraping Pros and Cons

Experts note the following data collection cons:

  1. Probability to be blocked in search engines. Such issues appear, for instance, if e-business holders publish huge parts of mined copyrighted information without paraphrasing. So, just use scraped data ethically to avoid the mentioned problems.
  2. Risk of being penalized for hacking. Some bots made by inexperienced web scrapers send too many requests when collecting information from websites. Such an approach may cause site failures. This is especially true for small online platforms. The failures, in turn, can be considered DDoS attacks. Thus, cooperate with reputable IT agencies to shun fines for hacking.
  3. Probability to be penalized for forbidden info scraping. This includes personal details, secret information, etc. So, try to avoid mining data from closed registers and protected databases.

Specialists at nannostomus.com always follow current laws as well as offer qualitative consultations to their clients. This allows shunning all the specified problems for sure.


Web scraping usage may help e-business owners improve their corporate profits and reduce spending. Experts recommend cooperating with reputable data extraction agencies (like Nannostomus) only. That's because merely such companies deliver high-quality services at democratic prices.

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