how to start a men's fashion blog
January 27, 2018

How We Started A Profitable Fashion Blog & How You Can Start A Blog In 2018

Learn how we started a profitable fashion blog and how you can too start your blog in 2018 with this simple step by step guide. 

If you are looking to start a men's fashion blog and make money from it, you have come to the right place.

Here's a step by step guide to learn how to start a men's fashion blog. Avoid mistakes that new bloggers make and build your blog the right way.

Note: This guide talks how to start a men's fashion blog, but you can create any kind of blog with this guide. Basics remain the same.

Note: Our Blog is built with Shopify. You can too build a blog with Shopify if you plan to sell your own products like us. But if you are just starting out we recommend using Wordpress + Bluehost to start your blog. Mainly because it's cheaper. Click here to sign up for Bluehost and use this tutorial to launch your profitable blog in 2018. 

Let's dive in:

So, you have finally decided to start a blog.

That's great!

But starting a blog won't be easy if you are new to the whole blogging thing.

Fret not, we're here to help.

Click here to start a blog on WordPress, then use the tutorial below for easy step by step directions.

Before we show you how to start a blog, We want to share our story with you.

Here's Our Story

Not Many of you know that we're Architects. Yes, we run our own boutique Architecture & Interior design practice.

We started LIFESTYLE BY PS as side passion project three and half years ago. As we've always loved fashion.

We started with designing and selling t-shirt online. It was good but then shipping so many order from our office was not something we liked doing.

Even when we were running an eCommerce store, we always believed in the power of content marketing. So, we used to publish content on our blog.

After about a year later, our Men's fashion blog became more popular than our store.

Signs were crystal clear:

We did not like shipping orders and our blog was doing better than our store.

So, we moved our products to Amazon FBA and transformed LIFESTYLE BY PS into a full-blown men's fashion blog.

We started publishing more content on the blog. From one post/week to three posts/week.

Things started to look more promising. Our traffic grew from 15k / month to 100k/month within a couple of months.

The growth in traffic came from Pinterest. Finally, we managed to crack the Pinterest and grew our followers from 2k to 32k within 2 months. ( BTW, We're at 54k now. A story for some other time)


After we switched to the blog, we started placing ads on the blog. We started with and we use them as of today.

Our revenue from ads started growing month after month. We also created a couple of eBooks. And started selling on the blog.

Since our blog is built on Shopify, Selling a digital product is super easy. We started slowly with digital products.

But after a couple of months as the traffic grew the revenue from digital products grew very rapidly.

Today, we attract 250k+ visitors/month on the blog. And our revenue from digital products & ads has grown significantly.

Now the most important part:

We do all these by working only about 2 hours a day on the blog. As we spend most of working hours on designing for our client's.

You can do the same.

Yes, you can too build a money making blog with minimal efforts if you know the right way to do it. 

Why are we sharing all these:

Well, we receive a lot of emails from our readers asking how we did it.

Now that you know what a blog can do for you, let's dive in and learn how to build your own blog the right way.

Why Should You Start A Blog?

Well, why not?

After all, a well-planned blog can make you money and help you live on your own time.


  • It can help you get rid of your 9 to 5 job.
  • It can help you make extra money.
  • It can help you travel more as you won't need to be "in the office" to make money.


All you need is a laptop and a decent enough internet connection.

Even if you love your job and don't want to quit, you can still start a blog and make extra income on the side.

Who doesn't like some extra bucks, right?

Plus you get to share your knowledge and make an impact on the people even in the smallest way.

It's a good thing, right?

So, are you ready to start a blog and change your life forever?

Let's get started:

Start Your Blog

Now that we both agree that you should start a blog. Let's start building your blog.

Now, the #1 question is, which platform should you build your blog on?

There are no guesses here, it's hands down WordPress if you are just starting out. Yes, you should start your blog on WordPress.

Not just because it's Free but also because it's the most versatile and powerful blogging platform.

But, WordPress alone wouldn't do the trick. You'll need a hosting provider to host your WordPress blog.

Now, there are many hosting providers available but arguably Bluehost is the best.

We recommend starting your first blog with WordPress+Bluehost. And when you sign up using this link you get a FREE domain and super cheap hosting price.

Let's Get To The Technical Part Now

I am assuming you know what a domain name is? So, the first part of starting a blog is getting a perfect domain name for your blog.

It's better to have a domain name that explains what your blog is about but that's not a hard rule. You can have any domain name you like.

Always get a (.com). It's better.

Quick Tip: Use The Name App to see if your domain is available or not. The app also helps you find if your name is available on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. It's good.

After you finalize your domain name, you can buy your domain from Bluehost for FREE when you buy 12 or more months of hosting plan from them.

This is the best offer for a new blogger. For two reasons:

  1. You get your domain for FREE
  2. Bluehost will do everything to connect your domain to your site. So, less technical things to do.

Plus you get much cheaper rate when you buy 12 months or more plan from them.

Win-win situation.

Buy Hosting & Set Up Your Blog

Setting up WordPress blog on Bluehost is super easy.

Bluehost provide click installation for WordPress. It's as simple as 1,2 punch.

Now, let's start the set up:

Step 1: Go to Bluehost Website and click Get Started Now button.


Step 2: Then select the plan that best suits your need.

Which plan is best for you?

Well, it depends. It depends on your need and your expertise.

If this is your first blog and you are just starting out, it's best to go with the basic plan.

Make sure to get 36 months package (See image below) as it will be the cheapest.


Now, It's Time To Connect Your Domain

After you select your plan it's time to set up your domain.

You'll see two options on the screen. One is to buy your FREE domain with Bluehost. Or if you have already purchased your domain then choose the second option.

After you enter your domain name, next step is to fill in your account information.


Select Your Package

Now, after you enter your account details, it's time to select your package.

We would recommend you go for 36 months because it's the cheapest of all.

However, one-year subscription works as good. You'll be paying little more but that's okay.

Then enter your card information and buy your hosting.


Install WordPress On Bluehost

As we mentioned above it's super easy to install WordPress on Bluehost.

Plus the best part is WordPress is free to use.

After your account is setup, go to the cPanel in Bluehost. And find WordPress icon.

Click on the WordPress icon. That should open an installation window and click on the green start button. That will start the installation.


Installation should not take long. A few minutes max.

Now, follow these easy steps to complete your set up.

The first step is choosing the location for downloading WordPress. This can be any domain on your account, or a subdomain or a folder for one of your domains.

You’ll want to click on check domain to make sure that the domain is correctly assigned to your account.

Here you may get a warning that says you might be overwriting any files: if this is the first website that you’re making then you don’t need to worry about this and click continue.

However, if you run another website make sure you’re not overwriting any important files when you’re saving WordPress on your desired location.

The next step will be to see the advanced options. Here you will set up your username and password that you will use for WordPress.


This is a very important step as your username and password will keep your blog secure.

One thing that you should know is that it is highly recommended to make a username that’s not “admin”.

This is one of the commonest names that people use all around the world and thus increases chances of being hacked by someone.

Next, you’ll want to choose a password, something very complex with a combination of letters, digits, as well as symbols.

You’ll want to make sure that the automatically make database option is ticked unless you already have a database that you’ll want to import into your new website.

WordPress will next ask you to agree that you’ve read the terms and conditions, and once you’re done click on install now. This will initiate installing WordPress.

Once it is downloaded, WordPress will provide you with the details that you require in order to access your website: site URL, the admin login URL, your username, and password.

You’ll receive all of this information (except the password) in your email as well, make sure to save it somewhere safe as it is very important to access your website.

You’re done!

Congratulations, your WordPress blog is now in order.

You can log into your site by going to the admin login URL. There you’ll enter your username and password, then click Log In.


This will take you to your WordPress dashboard. From here, you can control everything to do with your WordPress site, such as creating pages, writing posts, and changing the appearance.

You can start by adding a post, for which you’ll select the option of Posts on your left side when you are logged in, similarly if you wish to add a new page you’ll select the option of Page instead.

If you wish to add an image, click on Media also located on the left side.

If you wish to make changes to your sidebar and footnotes, you can go to Appearances and then click on Widgets to add new items.

WordPress offers free themes as well that you can select to customise your blog and make it look just the way you want it; it’s like a fun editing app where you can experiment to see what looks best on your site.

Now that you have your blog ready on WordPress through Bluehost, it’s time to pour your heart out and get started.

Good luck!

Ready to start to start your blog? Click here to get a FREE domain with Bluehost & start your blog today. 



How You Can Start A Blog In 2018

How You Can Start A Blog In 2018

How You Can Start A Blog In 2018


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