How To Skyrocket Your Traffic From Pinterest
January 28, 2018

8 Strategies We Used To Set Up Our Pinterest Marketing For Success

PRES. Hey, welcome to our Blogging Journey Blog. Here we share everything we learned from growing our blog from 0 to 200k+ visitors/month. 

If you missed our very first post on how we built our profitable blog, then you can check it out here



We're at 69,000+ followers on Pinterest. See here > 

Sure, it didn't happen overnight. 

It took us close to a year from going 1200 followers to where we're today. 

Now, we attract close to 1000 new followers/week. not bad, right? 

A few quick things we can share that helped us increase our followers and traffic from Pinterest are.. 

  1. Consistent Pinning Schedule ( We pin 40+ Pins daily) 
  2. Big Graphic with bold text overlay (Pin size that works best for us is 700px x 1600 px) 
  3. Repinning our old content regularly. 
  4. 80% our content, 20% others content (We know that's contrary to most "Pinterest Gurus" suggest, but this works for us.) 
  5. Pin Looping on our most followed boards ( We use BoardBooster )  
  6. Timing? We aren't very particular about it but we try and stick to a schedule. We pin twice a day. Morning 8 am to 9 am & 9 pm to 10 pm EST. 

Alright, now let's dive in to learn 8 strategies we used to grow our blog with Pinterest. 

Pinterest is a SEARCH ENGINE. (Please treat it that way) 

It's search function, which makes it different from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram or any other social media sites. 

It operates like a search engine, a feature that makes Pinterest unique and extraordinary.

Traffic from Pinterest is evergreen. We've one Pin that's bringing in 200+ visitors/day for past one year without any efforts from our side. 

Pinterest is a no-brainer. If Pinterest is not on your priority list, you are missing on a huge opportunity. 

1. Set Up Pinterest For Your Business.  

You need a Pinterest business account. Even if yours is a personal blog. Stay away from your personal profile. Create a business account. It's free :-)

A business account gives you super insightful analytics, rich pins and promoted pins. 

2. Make Awesome Graphics.

This is arguably the most important part of your overall Pinterest marketing strategy. You can't afford to go wrong here. 

If you pin ugly images, you get ugly results. 

Use Canva or PicMonkey to create beautiful Pins. As mentioned above try 700 px by 1600 px Pin size. 

Use two to three colours in your images. Stick to your brand colours. 

3. Get Rid Of Your Unpinned / Unclicked Pins.

We used to do this when we started, but with more than 42k pins it's impossible to do it. 

It's a good strategy if you are just getting started.  

4. Create Clickworthy Pins 

If the text on your pins doesn't make people click through, then you are losing.

Your first and foremost goal should be to make people click on your pins and make them visit your blog. 

Of course, repins are equally important to grow your follower's count. But, that shouldn't be your primary focus. 

There are two types pins. 

  1. That gets more repins
  2. That brings traffic  

All you have to do is focus on pinning images that bring more traffic. 

5. Make Relevant Boards 

If your blog is about fashion, don't pin recipes, please. 

Stay relevant to your niche, only pin images that are super relevant to your niche. Even if you have to repin images from your competitor's blogs. 

6. Don't Pin From Homepage 

We know it sounds stupid. But, we see a ton people pinning images directly from their home page. 

Only pin images from your blog posts. Rich pins get more traffic, repins and exposure. 

7. Use Rich Pins 

Get your blog verified bPinterestst and enable rich pins for your blog. This is a must do step. Can't skip it. 

If your blog is set up on WordPress and if you have no clue how to set up rich pins, here's a quick guide for you. 

Types of rich pins you can set up  

  1. Recipe 
  2. Article 
  3. Product 
  4. App Install 

8. Use Keyword Rich Post Title & Pin Description 

As we mentioned above, Pinterest is a search engine. And you should treat exactly that way.  

Keyword rich pins increase the searchability of your pins. 

If you haven't been doing this, we strongly recommend you start doing this immediately. 

This strategy is super helpful when you're just starting out and you don't have a huge following. 

Hope this helps you create a solid Pinterest promotion strategy. 

Alright, that's a wrap for today. 

let us know what you think of these strategies. Do you already use any of these strategies? 


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