7 Tips to Build a Side Business Without Quitting Your Day Job
July 16, 2020

7 Tips to Build a Side Business Without Quitting Your Day Job

The thought of quitting your job to pursue your entrepreneurial dream can be both scary and exciting at the same time. Making side money by not losing your current stable job is a great idea as it makes you feel secure and adventurous together. Here are a few tips that will help you build a stable side business alongside your daytime job.

1. Think Clearly Why You Want to Do This:

There may be several reasons why you think this is a good idea but analyze the true reason behind taking up a side hustle. Is it for the sake of extra money, or because you are passionate about becoming an entrepreneur? Before you jump off the cliff, find a valid reason to do it.

2. Analyze Your Current Job:

You need to figure out if your current job allows you to have the privilege of being able to spend time doing another business. Most people find it difficult to handle one job as it takes away most of their daytime. The job can be so exhausting that they may not have the time and patience to take up another side hustle. Do not assume you can manage both, be realistic and analyze your current situation to know for sure,

3. Consider Buying an Existing, Profitable Business:

As you are planning to do two jobs basically, buildings a company from scratch is extremely difficult as you may not have that kind of time. Better buy an existing business that is profitable and rebrand it with the help of the video production company Dubai.

4. Do a Business You are Passionate About:

Doing a side hustle is already time-consuming and on top of that if you choose a business you are not passionate about, you will go through a burnout soon. Instead, choose a business you would love to do so it feels less of work and more fun.

For example, consider turning your passion for helping people achieve their dream homes into a reality by investing in a semi-absentee franchise specializing in flooring. With a semi-absentee franchise, you can own a business without daily hands-on involvement, striking a balance between pursuing your passion and making a passive investment. This option is particularly suitable for those who want to maintain their current jobs while exploring additional business opportunities.  

5. Build a Business that is an Extension of Your Day Job:

It is not always possible but if you could build a business that uses your current job skill then you will save a lot of time and can gain the confidence of customers sooner. For example, if you work in a digital marketing company and starting a web development business, it will make more sense to your customers.

7. Learn to Outsource:

It is not always possible and feasible for you to do everything on your own, especially after working from 9 to 5 every weekday. The business may need you to do different tasks. Outsource the ones you are not crazy about saving time and keep you sane. For instance, registering your business and complying with all state requirements are daunting tasks. If you don't have the time to do it, companies like ZenBusiness and LegalZoom can handle the business formation for you.

The Bottom Line- Quit Your Day Job When the Business becomes Sustainable:

Do not quit your day job until you feel that the business is generating enough revenue. You need your current job to pay for your bills till your business becomes successful and when it does, you may make the conscious decision of quitting your job and become a full-time entrepreneur.