Why Love Never Works Without Trust
June 25, 2020

Why Love Never Works Without Trust

Love without trust is not love. Love without trust, on the other hand, is compulsion, fear, and uncertainty. A relationship without trust is doomed to fail. Sooner or later. Unless you do something about it and work together to create trust and make the relationship a whole lot nicer.

Why Love Never Works Without Trust

Love without trust - why is that?

We are not born with mistrust in love. It can come from a variety of reasons. The most important and common are these:

  • You were seriously injured in a previous relationship.
  • You were disappointed in the current relationship.
  • One was lied to in the circle of friends.
  • Already in the family, there were disappointments and injuries in love.
  • You were generally raised to be a very suspicious and suspicious person.

That's why you should think carefully about why you can't trust your relationship. You see it yourself, there are always several options, and in very few cases, the current partner is to blame for it.

If your current partner has seriously injured you, it is, of course, more than justified to be disappointed. Let alone trust your partner. Of course, you first have to think about whether you can forgive and trust your partner at all.

However, if your partner gives you no reason to distrust him/her, you should, of course, think about why you are still suspicious and jealous.

If you notice any strange, suspicious behavior from your current partner, you need to monitor him/her occasionally. If you know how to track a phone, especially your partner's phone, without him/her knowing, then it could be an essential part of this monitoring process. By monitoring your partner's smartphone, you can determine who it is communicating with. It will help you to be sure that your partner is sincere and faithful.

But why is trust in love so important at all?

Trust in a relationship is and is one of the most important components of a partnership. Or rather, the pillars of a relationship. By mutual trust, you show your partner and vice versa how much you accept yourself and believe your words!

If you trust your partner, you can get involved in the relationship much better and grow closer together than ever before. You see the relationship as something wonderful and not something that always brings trouble. This awakens completely new opportunities that make a partnership something very special and fantastic.

But trust is important not only for love itself but also for yourself! Trusting your partner has a lot to do with your own confidence. Because you lack a certain degree of self-confidence and self-love, you will never be able to trust your partner completely. This will always give rise to negative thoughts.

Love without trust - our tips against it!

So that it does not come to this, you now get a few tips to declare war on love without trust finally. These tips may help us extremely to be able to increase our trust again.

1. Sole and joint activities

First of all, it is important for you to protect your own interests. This strengthens your self-esteem, and you cling to your partner less. So do something with your friends alone. Not all the time, but once a week shouldn't be a problem. You will notice that it is good for you and your relationship, even if it can be quite difficult at the beginning.

Nevertheless, common interests and activities with the partner are just as important. This brings you closer, and it welds you together enormously. The important thing is that it has to bring you and your partner fun and joy. Create common interests to find each other again.

2. Openness and honesty

In addition to trust, these two points are among the most important characteristics of a fulfilled relationship. Always be frank and honest with your partner. If something is bothering you, tell him, and try not to eat it. It only makes things worse.

Of course, you can and should expect the same from your partner. You show each other about your needs. That means you can better interact with each other, work together on solutions, and increase the trust base of the relationship again.

3. Let your emotions run wild

By that, we don't mean screaming angrily through the area and insulting my partner to the point of blood. Nobody wants to get something like that in a relationship.

Rather, it means to show the partner openly if an action has hurt you. So your partner knows immediately if he/she has gone too far and can apologize for it. And if you have to cry, do it.

4. Let go of the past

If you can't build and not trust because you were hurt in a previous relationship, you need to be fully aware that your new partner is not the same as you were then. You have to learn to deal with the past.

5. Take time

Disappointments and injuries are deep and cannot be easily blown away. Therefore, it can take a long time to build trust again. Consequently, it is very important for you to take the necessary time and not to put yourself under pressure.

Just talk openly about it with your partner. If your partner is serious about you and you care about him/her, he/she will give you the time you need.

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