The most common cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene. With poor hygiene, the bacteria in your mouth can thrive and plaque can build up. Other possible causes can include underlying diseases such as infections, diabetes, and renal failure.
In this article, we’ll talk about the most common solutions and hygiene tips to help you prevent bad breath and maintain healthy dental hygiene.
Brush and Floss Regularly
Nothing screams poor hygiene like not brushing and flossing regularly. Brush your teeth at least two times a day and floss at least once. Do both regularly.
Brushing and flossing remove bacteria that cause plaque, which is the pesky sticky buildup on your teeth.
Do not overdo it, though; too much brushing can wear down your teeth, which increases chances of tooth decay. Find a toothbrush that has soft bristles. Consider electric toothbrush reviews too.
Rinse or Gargle
Apart from brushing and flossing, rising or gargling using a mouthwash can add another layer of protection to your mouth. Using mouthwash can get rid of more bacteria, stopping bad breath.
You can also rinse your mouth using water every after a meal, so that food stuck in your mouth does not cause bad breath.
Avoid Smelly Food
Another fast way to stop bad breath is to avoid foods that stink or sour your mouth. Onions and garlic are examples.
These foods contain substances that cause bad smells, and such bad smells make their way into your bloodstream. They then travel to your lungs, where you breathe them out.
Brushing will help, but not by much. The best solution is to avoid eating them. Or at least do not eat them before meeting with other people.
Eat an Apple
An apple a day can keep the dentist away. One study found that apples contain natural compounds that neutralize foul-smelling substances in smelly foods like garlic.
What’s more, the compounds neutralize the substances in the bloodstream, not just in your mouth, so it’s a longer-lasting solution than just brushing your teeth.
Drink Lots of Water
Dry mouth can also cause bad breath. Your saliva has a crucial role in keeping your mouth clean because bacteria thrive without saliva.
To keep your mouth from drying, keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to encourage saliva production.
Quit Smoking
Smoking is bad for your health, and that includes your oral health. Tobacco products can damage your gums, stain your teeth, and make your breath stink.
Try over-the-counter nicotine patches to control your urges. You can also make an appointment with your doctor to talk about quitting tobacco. He or she may be able to provide prescription medication to help you kick the habit for good.
Keep Gums Healthy
Gum diseases cause bad breath when bacteria gather in cavings at the base of the teeth. These bacteria create foul odors.
If you have gum disease, you should immediately consult with your dentist, who then would recommend a periodontist that specializes in treating gum problems.
Clean Your Dentures
If you’re wearing any dentures or a bridge, clean it thoroughly once a day or as your dentist recommends.
If you have a retainer or mouth guard, clean it regularly before putting it in your mouth. Always consult your dentist first before using any cleaning product.
Visit Your Dentist
Finally, do not forget your dental appointments. Visiting your dentist is the best way to ensure you maintain good oral hygiene.
For chronic bad breath, visiting the dentist will help rule out other potential dental problems. If your dentist believes your bad breath comes from an underlying source like infection, he or she can refer you to a specialist who can fix the problem.
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