A wheelchair adapted vehicle (WAV) is a fantastic investment for any family or carer for someone that requires the use of a wheelchair. These vehicles can take all of the stress out of travel and provide a great sense of freedom and independence, but not all vehicles are the same and there are a few things to consider before you start shopping.
As with any type of vehicle, a WAV is not cheap and it is important that you work out how much you are able to spend. In addition to the cost of the vehicle, you must think about the running costs such as insurance, fuel and road tax. While they can be expensive, they can also be life-changing so it is an expense that will prove to be worthwhile.
How Often Do You Travel?
Another important consideration is how often you travel and how much usage the vehicle will get. For some people, a WAV will be used every day as a way to transport the individual that needs a wheelchair or even as the regular household car.
For others, they WAV may only be used once a week or even less. If you do not travel often and you have a lower budget, then a used WAV might be a good option while for those that travel often a new model might be best.
What Are Your Needs?
As with any type of vehicle, there are many different types and styles to choose from so you will want to consider your needs. You need to think about the types of trips that you will be making, how many people you will be transporting and how much storage space you need.
As an example, if it is a parent then you might need a large vehicle with multiple seats and plenty of space for school stuff, prams, shopping etc. Places like Allied Mobility carry a range of different WAVs, so hopefully you will be able to find one that suits your needs and is within your budget.
Long or Short Term?
It is also worth considering whether you need the vehicle for the long or short term. Some people may only require the use of a wheelchair for the short term so hiring is a smart idea while those that will always need a wheelchair and travel often will be better off buying a WAV.
A WAV can be a life-changing investment and take a huge amount of stress out of arranging travel, but it is a major investment to make and you need to take your time to find the right vehicle for your household. Fortunately, there are lots of options available so you should be able to find one which will allow you to enjoy all the benefits that these vehicles can bring.
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