Do you have a new mole that’s suddenly sprouted up out of nowhere? Don’t panic. Moles and skin tags are quite common occurrences and they can pop up randomly.
Some of them go away just as fast so there’s a good chance your mole will disappear eventually if you wait it out. Keep reading to find out what causes moles to show up on your skin and what you can do about it.
What are moles?
Moles are very normal, and most individuals get one or two of them. Moles are the aggregation of melanin-producing cells (melanocytes) in the skin. People who have fair skin seem to get more moles.
The scientific name of the mole is nevus. It comes from the word that means birthmark. The cause of moles is not well known. In most cases, it is believed to be an association between genetic factors and sun exposure.
Moles typically appear in teenage years, and change in shape and size as you mature. New moles typically appear at periods when your hormone levels shift, such as during pregnancy. Many moles have a diameter of less than 1/4 inch. The colour of the mole varies from pink to dark brown or black. They could pop up anywhere on your body, either individually or in clusters.
Almost all moles are harmless. However, new moles in adults are much more likely to become cancerous than existing moles. Regular Skin Cancer Screening by a healthcare professional can help ensure that any suspicious moles are evaluated promptly and appropriately. Be sure to also monitor any changes in your moles' appearance, such as changes in color, size, or shape.
What causes moles?
The trigger of a new mole that develops in adulthood is not well known. New moles could be harmless or may be malignant. Skin cancer causes are well known, but there is little research on what causes benign moles.
The interference of ultraviolet light (UV), both normal and synthetic, with DNA is believed to cause cell damage that may promote the growth of melanoma and other skin cancers. Exposure to the sun can begin during infancy or young adulthood and may lead to skin cancer only much later.
You may get a new mole due to:
- Growing age
- Fair skin
- Light or red hair
- Medical history of atypical mole
- Taking drugs that suppress your immune system
- Response to other drugs, such as certain antibiotics, hormones, or antidepressants
- Genetic mutations
- Sunburn, sun exposure, or tanning beds
The Bottomline
Don’t immediately panic if you find a new mole. Most often, these are not cause for serious concern. You should raise the alarm if you find the mole beginning to morph, change size and shape frequently, or grow pink and tender.
If you’ve had a mole for years, you don’t need to worry about it. However, if you develop a mole in adulthood, this may be a slight cause for concern.
Most people abhor moles because of aesthetic reasons. If you relate to this, there’s a simple solution. You can simply get the mole removed surgically and be done with it. This procedure won’t take up too much time or money and it also doesn’t have a long recovery time.
Mole removal procedures can vary from simple excisions performed in a dermatologist's office to more advanced surgical techniques, depending on the mole's size and location.
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