Alcohol and substance abuse splits harmonious families apart and turns people into hopeless and lonely ones who see no purpose in their lives. But hope is never dead, and it is a brave warrior fighting with addictions’ terrible nature and influence. Luckily, substance abuse treatment programs are available for anyone who wants to change their lives and get rid of all the harms and evils that govern their existence. With the right support and treatment, anyone can recover from addiction. Not only addicts, but also their families can see many benefits from these programs, so it is important to understand how they work and what people can expect during the recovery and treatment process.
What is sobriety?
Sobriety, in its essence, means that you are not using any drugs or alcohol. The definition, however, can be changed based on various circumstances. When it comes to many 12-step programs, sobriety means never using any substance again in your life. Some definitions place more focus on the healing process and finding the best strategies to promote health and well-being. Staying sober forever is ideal, but it is not usually achievable, as many people experience relapse, and that number comes up to 80% of those who have dealt with some kind of addiction. Unfortunately, many people have to go through many hardships and tough times before they finally reach sobriety. It is not just about your motivation and will, as many other factors influence relapse prevention.
12-step programs to achieve sobriety
If you are dealing with alcohol or drug addiction, you need expert assistance to help you get back on the right track. Many therapy options are available, and one of them is the 12-step program. It follows the structure of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and it literally consists of twelve steps leading to sobriety. The main goal is to abstain from alcohol and other drugs that affect your consciousness and health.
Just as the folks at a center for rehab in Florida explain, recovery is a long journey, and people need help and support to stay motivated and eager to heal and live more fulfilled lives. When dealing with such issues, people should look carefully for personalized guidance and advice to help them understand the root of the problem, possible triggers, and how to overcome all obstacles on the way to recovery. Many useful treatment programs include addiction detox, inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment, aftercare therapy, and others.
The main focus of various rehabilitation treatments is on the patient's mental and emotional health. During this phase, they can take part in instructional classes, group therapy, and individual treatment with a qualified therapist who can listen to their problems and provide the best piece of advice. This way, patients can learn how to recognize their triggers and stay sober.
Detox is a process where the toxins are eliminated from the person’s body under medical supervision. Some detox processes can be quite challenging, depending on the severity of the addiction, so doctors and other specialists should regularly control a person who decides to undergo this kind of treatment. It is usually the necessary step for anyone who decides to fight their illness and go for further help and treatments.
Avoiding old routines and habits
If you do your best to stay away from the problematic schedule, social circle, and surroundings, it will be much easier to fight your addiction. Some of the changes will be quite obvious to you, such as cutting ties with people who influence you to use alcohol or drugs. Just think about it, staying sober will be literally impossible if you keep going on with your drug dealer or drinking friends. So do yourself a favor and avoid older habits that bring out the worst of you. Your health and your future, more optimistic self will be thankful for this.
Identifying triggers
Sobriety relies on knowing what causes your relapse, and this includes both the exterior (people, places, things) and interior (feelings and thoughts) triggers that lead to an undeniable desire for substances. So, doing your best to identify and avoid such things reduces the risk that you will experience relapse and fall into the same trap over and over again. Stress, mental anguish, people who remind you of substance abuse, work or money issues, or broken relationships are all things that influence possible withdrawal.
Recognizing relapse signs
A relapse can happen all of a sudden and surprise you, as sometimes it is hard to recognize its signs. Emotional, mental, and physical stages lead to relapse, and they all start long before you actually take a sip of the drink. Look out for these signs to prevent relapse:
- Compulsive thoughts
- Participating in harmful activities
- Looking for places where you can easily find substances
- Engaging in less responsible behavior
- Thinking that substance use is the only way to escape suffering
Building a support network
Addiction can destroy many relationships, but sometimes, the people who are closest to us won’t leave us alone in such hardships. So, look for those who truly love you and care about you and lean on their support. You can also consider group therapy or counseling with people who are going through the same hardships as you, as sharing experiences can be a precious asset to understanding the problem you are facing.
Manage your stress
Stress is a major contributor to addiction, as it can cause you to relapse and break the healing process. Don’t let this happen, but rather try to find someone who is sober and talk with them about your feelings and worries. Also, take some time to visit group meetings and other activities that can be of huge help when times are rough. Don’t forget to take care of your body as well, get plenty of sleep, eat well, and exercise. This can all fight the notorious stress back and help you enjoy life to the fullest.
The sobriety path can be quite confusing and challenging, but it is important to find the right treatment strategy, show dedication, and search for support systems. This can all lead to a more fulfilled and satisfying life, far away from the evils and dangers of substance abuse.
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