Tips for New Drivers to Stay Safe on the Road
August 14, 2020

Tips for New Drivers to Stay Safe on the Road

Setting out on the road for the first time presents a considerable challenge. Or, more accurately, it presents hundreds of smaller challenges, many of which are difficult to even register, but which are overcome through experience.

What should I do if another driver tailgates me? What’s the proper etiquette when I’m trying to pull out into slow-moving traffic? How should I drive in snowy conditions? After an accident, am I entitled to personal injury compensation?

These are problems that can only really be overcome by actually facing them. Having said that, it’s worth taking stock of the common challenges that all drivers will run into at some point, and trying to figure out what you’ll do when you come across them. 

Also, if you ever need a lawyer to help you deal with your situation, it is best to consult lawyers who are specialize in the situation you are in. For instance, if you encounter an accident with a truck, engaging a truck injury accident lawyer would be ideal than getting a bankruptcy lawyer.

Slow down when it rains

When the tarmac is wet, your tyres will exert less grip on the road. This will mean that it takes longer for you to stop. What’s more, it’ll be more difficult to see where you’re going. That means you need to drive slower than you otherwise would to decrease the likelihood and severity of collisions.

Practice driving when it’s quiet

For the first time, you’re legally entitled to set out on the roads on your own. You won’t have anyone looking at what you’re doing and offering advice. Get used to this sensation by taking the car out onto the road when it’s quiet, and during night-time. That way, when you’re driving at rush hour, the actual driving part will be second-nature. You’ll just need to worry about paying attention to the road around you!

Look after your Tyres

If you don’t look after your tyres, then you’ll spend more money on fuel, and you’ll put yourself at greater risk of an accident. Your tread depth should well in excess of the legal minimum of 1.6mm. If it’s too low, and you drive through a puddle, then the water will have nowhere to go, and you’ll start to skid. You don’t want this to happen.

Get some P plates

P plates are a great way to tell other drivers to cut you some slack. If you’re concerned at the prospect of having angry motorists beep their horns at you when you stall at a busy motorway island, then you might make the investment. Just get rid of them after the first few months.

Consider Extra Lessons

If there were some parts of your test that you just scraped through on, then you might want to give them extra attention to really perfect them. Some motorists don’t even try to reverse park after they get on the road – but this is pretty inconvenient. Give it some extra practice, or even some extra lessons, and you’ll feel confident wherever you’re going.

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