Structure Routine Tips for Managing Anxiety
November 13, 2020

Structure Routine Tips for Managing Anxiety

If you have an anxiety disorder, you often have challenges getting motivated, and it can lead to a threatening cycle. When not involved in any activity, you might still be worrying and thinking, and then, when you have accomplished nothing, you start feeling frustrated, desperate, and to some extent, useless.

Developing a routine to help you plan each day is vital to your healing journey. A pattern will make your life easier since not too much decision-making is required and, you don't have to deal with the real fatigue involved in making choices.

Your routine should include simple self-care activities like keeping fit or eating healthy food. Besides, you can also take care of a pet or water a garden.

Here are some routine tips you can practice:

Identify a Positive Self-concept

How you view yourself in your mind and in front of others is critically a way of developing your story both to yourself and those around you—every word you use to describe yourself matters. The terms create a foundation of how you feel about yourself and impact your life significantly.

You can apply a positive self-concept daily- in the morning and at night, picture yourself experiencing every day the way you would want to behave, feel, or think. As a human, you have a unique imagination; once you close your eyes and imagine something, your body will react to the images in your mind as though the event is taking place.

Acknowledge what's good about each day and make a point of sharing excellent or funny deeds with your friends and family. Memories come from experiences, thus, concede positive experiences and focus on them.

Find Some Balance

With anxiety, too much or too little can be challenging, hence the need to find balance. If you feel drained by doing too much, then it's high time you learn to say no.

This is an excellent step to your anxiety disorder treatment journey. You can start by telling people you'll get back to them after checking out your schedule or merely stating that something is not possible at a particular moment if they make a demand or a request.

You don't have to give in to everything. Plan and rehearse polite responses that you feel comfortable stating and avoid over-commitment.

On the other hand, if doing little is the challenge, you can set achievable goals. Pick a day when you're all freshened up and in a good mood and jot down a list, then start small- a step at a time. This can be challenging if you're used to performing too many tasks but remember you're on a healing journey. Don't expect too much from yourself.

Do what you Love

Anxiety disorder treatment is a long-term process that requires lots of self-care. Performing tasks you love frequently reminds your brain of how to feel good. However much hard this routine is, keep doing it. If you stop, it will be so hard to start again. Also, ensure you take it easy; if all doesn't go well, you don't have to sulk. Get back on track and move on.

Self- sabotage is an enemy of your healing journey. If you often use words like '' it never works, I can't do anything right,'' you need to avoid this rumination cycle as much as you can. Even if it's a stroll around your compound, it's much better than staying indoors.

Engage your Subconscious Power

You have a lot of control over your very suggestible and open subconscious mind. In fact, you have all the authority to soothe your anxiety and focus on being confident and calm. Since your subconscious is highly impressionable, you can engage it in a conversation.

Take the subconscious mind as a child and you as the parent, then every response depends on either fearful or loving thoughts. Wouldn't you choose to love and nurture positivity in the child? Being positive has nothing to do with your personality. It's about being your best self and living each moment as it presents itself to you.

Your anxiety disorder treatment journey requires you to focus on love and not fear.


You cannot overstate the planning importance. Make sure you plan your day and narrow down to tiny details such as how you'll dress up. You're taking care of yourself by making less one decision when things get tough.

Try to incorporate several activities such as:

  • Physical activities- could be a walk.
  • Creative activities – drawing, DIY mat making
  • Social activities – coffee date, chatting with a friend, etc.

Every activity has a different impact. Exercising moderates the tension of your muscles and breaks the negative-feedback curve in your brain. Creativity engages other parts of your mind, while socializing triggers your minor neurons.

Najbolji lek protiv anksioznosti is an excellent step to your anxiety disorder treatment journey. You can start by telling people you'll get back to them after checking out your schedule or merely stating that something is not possible at a particular moment if they make a demand or a request.


As you practice all the above routines, remember not all days will be in your favor- prepare psychologically for challenging days. You can go on road trips or an adventure on such days. Also, understand your anxiety roots and avoid its crippling effects as much as you can. Being anxious is not your fault.

Tips for Managing Anxiety

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