Six Ways You Can Sleep Better
April 03, 2021

Six Ways You Can Sleep Better

Now and then, bad sleep can affect everyone, but if you sleep poorly more often than not, you’re probably sick of it. Not getting a good night’s sleep can affect your day-to-day life, your mental and physical health, your career, and your social life. If you’re someone who sleeps badly, here are six things you can try that might help you drift off more easily.

1. Ditch the Screens

It’s normal now to spend hours and hours every day staring at a screen, and this has a huge impact on sleep.

Human eyes aren’t good at blocking blue light, and it’s thought that blue light keeps us awake by blocking a sleep hormone, melatonin. Computer and cellphone screens emit blue light, so using them before bed can prevent you from dozing off.

Try turning off all screens at least an hour before you plan to go to bed and see if that helps you fall asleep more easily.

2. Wind Down

If you try to fall asleep all of a sudden, without preparing your mind and body for rest, you’ll probably feel wired up for a long time, and it will be hard to get to sleep.

Set a nighttime routine to help you wind down before you go to bed. Do some gentle yoga, take a hot bath or a shower, and drink a cup of chamomile tea. All this will prepare your brain for rest and sleep, meaning you should drift off quickly.

3. Try CBD Products

Many people find that incorporating CBD products into their nighttime routine helps them get to sleep. If you can’t sleep because your mind is racing and you feel anxious, CBD could be a good thing to try. It’s thought to reduce symptoms of anxiety, meaning you could calm your mind and drift off; however, there’s very little scientific data to back that claim up.

Visit to learn more about quality CBD products.

4. Meditate

Meditation could also help you fall asleep. When you meditate, you’ll lower your heart rate and slow down your breathing, thereby improving your chances of falling asleep.

Try meditating by following guided practices that tell you what to do. There are hundreds of free sleep meditations available online, so find one with a voice you find soothing and listen from your bed.

5. Use a White Noise Machine

If you can’t sleep because you’re easily disturbed by other sounds—people in the apartment above talking or moving around, traffic outside the window, barking dogs—you might want to invest in a white noise machine.

White noise is the sound made when every frequency that humans can hear is played at the same amplitude. It usually sounds like someone saying “shh” or the static of an old TV.

Listening to white noise can drown out other sounds and allow you to get some sleep.

6. Talk to a Doctor

If poor sleep and insomnia are really affecting your life and these methods aren’t working, you should talk to a medical professional. They might be able to find an underlying cause for your insomnia and could prescribe sleeping pills to help you get the sleep your body needs.

You don’t have to put up with poor sleep, so try these techniques and see if you can get proper rest.

Six Ways You Can Sleep Better