How to Plan the Perfect Hen Party – LIFESTYLE BY PS icon

How to Plan the Perfect Hen Party

Let's face it, 2020 has not given us many reasons to celebrate. After months and months and months of social isolation, working from home, pacing around our apartments and flats, and day-dreaming about the "before times," it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But with the advent of the coronavirus vaccine, we can finally start planning for the future! 

One of the best things to happen in 2020 was an increase in engagements. Maybe it's all the time couples have been spending together. If your BFF is one of the lucky ladies who got engaged this year, now is the time to start prepping for your 2021 hen bash!

Party Planning 101


Your best friend just got engaged! Time to pop the champagne, squeal appropriately, and then get to planning. The first step is to find out what kind of party your bride wants to have. A low key spa day? How about a bar hop, with all that entails? Once you've landed on a vibe, figure out your budget. Both your bride and your bridesmaids will help you establish how much (or how little) you can spend. You'll also need to figure out how far ahead of the wedding you'll want this hen party to be. Usually, the party is about six to eight weeks before the wedding.

Take this show on the road.


If you ask us, the best way to celebrate your bride's upcoming nuptials is to take your party abroad. After so much time at home. a trip away is just the ticket. For a hen party Portugal is a wonderful choice. From boat parties to beachside cocktails, Portugal offers a variety of fun and exciting activities, perfect for your hen party. If Portugal or Ibiza isn't in the budget, you can still take this show on the road. Consider a trip a little closer to home. Staying in a bed and breakfast in the country where your bride can unwind is a great option! Besides, we all know how the cost of some hen parties can get just a little out of hand, so maybe closer is better.

Make sure you've got plenty of supplies. 



Whether you go abroad or stay at home, you have to be ready for everything. Make sure you have enough champagne and wine to float a battalion. Pack makeup wipes, backup mascara, and plenty of water. Bring along a first aid kit, just in case. It may sound crazy, but you should also plan on bringing along extra underwear. Prepare to have the best underwear for each body type available to the bridal party. You never know where the party may end up, after all. You should also tell your fellow bridesmaids to pack womens travel clothes. After all, an all-nighter can turn into a lost weekend, very easily.

Kick back, relax, and celebrate!



No matter how you celebrate, the most important thing is to make sure a good time is had by all. Stay away from forced fun activities like crafting or classes. Don't single out any of the unattached members of the bridal party for their lack of a romantic partner. Their relationship status doesn't really matter when you're celebrating a bride-to-be. Most of all, try to foster a sense of community at your party. Your bride has picked you and her bridesmaids for a reason: she loves each and every one of you and wants the best day of her life to include you.

As we reach the blessed end of a really cursed year, we can finally start planning for travel, get-togethers, and joyful celebrations. Your BFF's hen party is the perfect bash to reignite your party planning skills. 2021 is sure to be a year to remember, so get it started right with the perfect party.

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How to Plan the Perfect Hen Party