How to Get Rid of Scars: 5 Proven Treatments
December 16, 2019

How to Get Rid of Scars: 5 Proven Treatments

Don't like the scars on your body? Don't worry! There are proven, effective strategies for getting rid of them. Discover how to get rid of scars here.

How to Get Rid of Scars: 5 Proven Treatments

What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Is there something that bothers you? What about that scar that seems to be a constant reminder of an unpleasant event? 

If you think you’d like it more if it were to disappear, you’re in luck because we’ll share with you how to get rid of scars, regardless of the type of scar you have. 

How Do You Develop Scars?

Scars occur when the top layer of the skin is sliced, penetrating the dermis. The healing process of the scar usually depends on the collagen response of the body. 

If your body can generate enough collagen, which is a skin-repairing protein, you are likely to have a flat and faint scar. If it cannot, you’ll have a sunken scar, which is why you should protect your skin’s collagen

Beyond that, if your body produces too much collagen, then you’ll be left with a raised scar. This does not necessarily mean that you’ll have the same type of scar each time you get injured, but like most people, you may be predisposed to scar a certain way. 

The location of your injury matters, as well. For instance, a scar around the neck and chest area is bound to be visible because the skin in those areas is thin. If you have a scar below your waist, then it probably scarred badly due to the fact that there is less blood flow and slower cell turnover in your lower body. 

Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of different types of scars, regardless of where they are located. Even better, you can get rid of your scars without being left with some type of mark. 

How to Get Rid of Most Scars

After the initial insult to the skin, the most essential thing to do is keep the area well lubricated. When the skin is moist, it promotes growth, which is necessary for repair.

You may feel that scabs help, but on the contrary, they delay the healing process, so avoid them. Whether you are stitched or not, lube the skin to keep it moist.

To minimize scarring, you should avoid straining, especially if you are dealing with sutures. Once your muscles move, your skin stretches, widening the scar in the process. Avoid activities that make you strain or stretch. 

Different Types of Scars

Scarring is not always skin deep. Sometimes it goes way beyond that, and anything could leave you with a scar, from acne to injuries. Getting rid of scars depends on the type, and there are several different types of scars, which include:

Raised Scars

Keloid and hypertrophic scars fall into this category. These scars are raised due to the overgrowth of fibrous tissue that’s usually quite dense after healing. 

Generally, these scars remain as big as the wound itself after healing. Raised scars may occur due to many reasons, including but not limited to cuts, burns, and piercings. 

Keloid scars go beyond the limits of the injuries themselves, and they are more common in pigmented skin. Keloid scars cannot diminish on their own, regardless of how long it takes, so they need some form of intervention to flatten or soften. Dermatologists can recommend the right way to treat your raised scars, but it may be laser therapy, gels, pressure dressing, freezing, or surgical removal. 

Superficial Scars

Superficial scars affect the top layer of the skin, which makes them red blemishes, such as second-degree burns. They are long and thin though they may flatten and heal neatly after some time.

Acne Scars

There are many types of acne scars, starting with ice-pick scars. Ice pick scars are deep and small. They got their name because the skin looks as if ice picks have punctured it. 

If you’ve had severe acne in your life, then your skin tells the story, and unfortunately, it’s not a very good one. Usually, you’ll find that most creams do not eliminate these scars. 

Boxcar scars are broad depressions, usually with sharply defined edges. They may create an appearance of a crater on your skin. These scars need to be treated as soon as possible because the older they get, the harder they are to treat. 

Rolling scars are quite similar to boxcar scars but with sloped edges. The skin is left with a wavy, uneven appearance.

Contracture Scars

Contracture scars may be a result of burns because they tighten the skin, impairing its ability to move. These scars may go in deep enough to affect the muscles and nerves as well.

Widespread Scars

These usually form after surgery. The surgical incision may stretch and become wider, causing a widespread scar. More often than not, they appear flat, pale, and less noticeable compared to raised scars.

Atrophic Scars

These scars appear as pits or dents in the skin. They usually form due to damage to the skin’s collagen, and they may also occur due to acne or chickenpox and similar illnesses. 

How to Get Rid of Scars: 5 Proven Scar Treatment

There are many reasons why you may want to get rid of your scars. Apart from aesthetic reasons, scars may get sore or itchy. They might also cause long term issues, such as anxiety and depression. 

Depending on the location and size of your scar, you may face social stigma and lose self-esteem.

Regardless of the reason, here are 5 proven treatments that will help you get rid of your scar. This information will show you how to make scars go away, and you can choose the method that suits your scar best. 

1. Microneedling Scars

Microneedling is one of the best scar treatment options out there. Microneedling involves a dermatologist creating tiny punctures in the skin using microneedles. The process triggers the body’s healing process and stimulates elastin and collagen production. 

This is a safe procedure that only causes slight discomfort during the process. One of the best things about this scar treatment option is that it is not limited to any location of the body. It can be used to treat acne scars on the face or stretch marks on the legs or you can use spray tan before and after stretch marks for a good remedy.

Radiofrequency microneedling is a newer treatment method, and the needles are used to deliver pulses of heat within the skin. Multiple sessions are necessary, depending on the size of your scar. Recovery may take several days, but it will depend on the depth and strength of the treatment. 

2. Ablative Laser Treatment

This treatment is more suitable for thick scars, though it requires few treatment sessions. Given the fact that the top layer of the skin may be removed during the treatment, healing may take longer. 

Taking good care of the wound is imperative during the healing duration. This type of scar laser treatment may be combined with injected or topical triamcinolone if necessary to get rid of the scar completely. 

3. Non-Ablative Laser Treatment

This kind of treatment is almost similar to microneedling in the fact that it induces injury to the skin to activate collagen formation. Raised scars become flatter and softer with time, while acne and indented scars fill in. 

The treatment method is safe for different types of skin and maybe spaced a month apart. Immediately after treatment, the skin becomes red and puffy, then after some time, it exfoliates. It may take a few days for it to go back to its normal look.

4. Steroid Injections

Steroid injections work on keloids or hypertrophic scars to reduce their size. Steroid injections tend to break collagen bond fibers, reducing the amount of scar tissue beneath. These injections also have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness, swelling, tenderness, and itching. 

5. Pulsed Dye Laser

These lasers work well on flattening raised scars and reducing redness. The procedure may be combined with injections, which helps blend the scar in with the rest of the skin. With this procedure, however, you’ll need multiple treatments for it to be effective. 

Does Insurance Cover Scar Removal Treatments?

This highly depends on the scars you have and how you got them. If, for instance, you got burned and the scars impair you physically, your healthcare provider may pay for it. The dermatologist can help you detail the problems to ensure you get the coverage.

If, on the other hand, you want a cosmetic procedure, the insurance company is not likely to cover it, and you’ll have to pay for it yourself. Most insurance companies don’t pay for surgery unless it is medically necessary. 

There You Have It!

Now that you know how to get rid of scars, you may decide whether you want to go ahead with the treatment. When it comes to scar removal, regardless of the type of scar you have, it is advisable to talk to a professional dermatologist about your case. 

Try not to attack your scars as you try to get rid of them as they may only get worse. It’s crucial that you deal with an expert so they can evaluate your type of scar and how severe it is, then recommend the best scar removal treatment. 

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