Everything You Need To Know About Styling Your Rings
October 05, 2019

Everything You Need To Know About Styling Your Rings

One of the most difficult tasks is styling a ring. Most women love wearing rings but they do not have any idea about how they should be styling them.

There is no denying the fact that styling the rings can become extremely complicated as well as confusing at certain times. You might be looking for the ideal guide that will be based on how your ring can be styled flawlessly.

Given below is a list of tips that you can consider if you are interested in styling your finger rings in the best possible manner. 

Use ring sizers to understand your appropriate size

Ring sizers are nothing but plastic sheets that have the assortment of diverse sizes, which can be used for finding the appropriate size of the ring that your fingers require.

They are available at almost all the counters of jewellery. One important thing that you have to understand is that the finger ring that you are choosing needs to fit you ideally and should not look like it has been forced upon you.

It has to be extremely comfortable so that it can stay on and it needs to be loose enough so that it can slide off your knuckle without a lot of hassle. 

Understand the hand as well as the finger that is ideal for wearing rings

If you are confused about the hand and finger that should be selected for wearing rings, you can consider the tips that have been mentioned below. 

  • Make sure that you are wearing statement rings on your little finger. Your little finger is one of the most attractive ring pops. A finger ring is going to make the little finger cheerful and provide a fun look.
  • Go for small bands when you are selecting a finger ring for your middle finger. This band should be tiny and thin so that it does not interfere with the day to day activities. 
  • You need to wear engagement rings or your wedding band on your ring finger. This is going to provide the impression that you are engaged or married. 
  • Choose flashy rings for your index fingers and thumb. You can even wear large stones on these fingers to grab the attention of people. 

To know more on how you can style your rings, you can visit TungstenRings.com

Other things that you should know

Given below is a list of the other important tips that you need to know when you are wearing finger rings. 

  • Ensure that you are wearing statement rings or cocktail rings to make your fingers stand out. These kinds of finger rings are normally big and old in comparison to the average fingerings. You should also wear them alone. 
  • You can also match the finger rings with the outfit that you are going to wear. Determine and understand the rings that are going to be appropriate for you based on the outfit. 
  • You can balance large rings with statement pieces like cocktail earrings, as stated by www.forreason.com
  • You can also mix metals but make sure that you are keeping it less. 


Even if you love wearing finger rings but you do not know how to style them, it is going to become a complete waste. Make sure that you know how you can style your finger rings by following the tips that have been mentioned above.