Melbourne is a lively and multicultural city, known for its historical buildings and rivers. Visitors are amazed at the Federation Square, with its Victorian architecture.
Tourists who enjoy visiting gardens love the Royal Botanic Gardens, which boasts of about 8,500 species of plants across 38 hectares.
For those who prefer sightseeing, taking the “Yarra River Cruise” is a popular choice. The relaxing cruise passes through places like the Melbourne Cricket Ground, the Crown Casino, and the World Trade Centre.
Melbourne residents also find river cruises a perfect way to hold memorable events. It is not surprising that hen’s parties are a popular choice among couples about to get married. When it comes to hens parties Melbourne witnesses plenty of them.
There have been around 600 marriages registered in Melbourne from July to September 2019. A majority of couples marry at an average age of 34 years old. Therefore, due to the increasing number of engagements, there is a growing demand for hen’s parties.
Looking for some exciting party ideas for hens night in Brisbane? How about a glamorous spa day followed by a lively cocktail-making class to ensure a memorable and unforgettable celebration!
Here are some popular party games you can use or suggest for the next hen’s party you’ll be at:
Advice for the bride
Friends of the bride write all kinds of messages for the bride, from heart-warming to funny thoughts. Someone reads the notes and the group guesses who wrote what.
‘Mr and Mrs’ quiz
Friends take their turns in asking the bride questions to test her knowledge about the groom. Some interesting questions are:
- What are his worst habits?
- What would he grab first on emergencies?
- What is his most embarrassing experience?
- If he can have plastic surgery, what would he change about himself or herself?
- Who is his celebrity crush?
Giving the wrong answer will penalize the bride. There are many dare ideas - from drinking a shot to doing something that the bride would not normally do.
Who’s who?
Concerning hen’s parties, Melbourne residents consider it a popular game. The hens write unique facts about themselves on a note. The notes are given to the hen for her to guess. Everyone will discover how well she knows her party guests.
Do you know the bride?
If some members of the hen’s party are not close friends with the bride, this game is a good icebreaker. Each hen will anonymously write on a note his or her best memory about the bride. It can be as simple as a first impression or any funny experience. It would be interesting for the bride to find out how she has impacted her friends.
Choose wedding-themed movies like “Top End Wedding” or “Muriel’s wedding.” Divide into teams where each team will act out scenes from the film for everyone to guess the name of the film.
Is it true?
In these hen’s parties, a list of statements about the bride will be made, and each statement could be true or false. Guests will decide if they are true or false. The hen will be surprised to discover what others believe to be facts about her.
The dress-up
Hens divide into teams. Using everyday items like toilet paper, towels, or bedspreads, they will use their creativity to come up with wedding dresses. The bride chooses the best-dressed hen. A good idea would be to share some of the best dresses on Instagram.
Quick pass
In a line, guests have to pass an object, perhaps a coin or an egg on a spoon, using only their faces or mouths, and the fastest team wins. Take photos of the funny facial expressions. This activity comes with a prize reward.
These are only a few of the most popular hen’s parties in Melbourne. Capture as many photos as possible to share on Facebook or Instagram. Share these photos on the first anniversary of the couple.
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