CBD Iced Tea - One Of The Best Hemp Drinks On The Market
October 24, 2019

CBD Iced Tea - One Of The Best Hemp Drinks On The Market

There is little in the way of natural supplements that have exploded the way that CBD has in recent years. You’re hard pushed to find a brand that hasn’t incorporated the compound into something in their product line.

In most cases, it works well. Facial sprays and creams for topical use to provide relief from acne, redness, and irritated skin.

Capsules to take daily alongside your other supplements. But it has gone further than that, and manufacturers are making CBD fun too. With gummies, cookies, cakes and even CBD iced tea

It probably can be said of any other hemp or CBD product that it is making natural supplements as fun or enjoyable to take. 

CBD Iced Tea - One Of The Best Hemp Drinks On The Market

Photo by Roos Oosterbroek on Unsplash


Cannabidiol, CBD, is one of around 120 active compounds found in cannabis. And unlike THC, it doesn’t get you high. But instead, it supports a system you already have in your body, the endocannabinoid system. 

Research has shown that CBD has a lot of positive health benefits. Including, but not limited to, reducing inflammation which in turn relieves some of the pain suffered by chronic pain illnesses.

Reducing stress and anxiety, leading to a better night’s sleep. Improving and balancing moods. And the big ones, which many people know about, it has been shown to reduce or prevent seizures in people with epilepsy and alleviate some of the side effects of cancer treatments. 

So You Don’t Get High?

Nope. There are rules that go along with the products that are CBD only. They are tested and must contain less than 0.3% THC (which has no impact at all). Hemp and marijuana are different strains of the same plant, but only cannabis contains THC. Hemp is no longer on the controlled substance act, since December 2018 - for all 50 states. Which is why CBD has exploded. You don’t get high, but you still get health benefits. 


The quickest way to have your CBD dose is in liquid form or check out CBD drinks by Bimble. Many people prefer to sip it through the day rather than have a single dose via a capsule. Although you can have CBD water, juice and coffee, one of the best hemp drinks on the market is tea. More specifically, CBD iced tea. 

What’s The Tea on Tea?

Although there are many other ways for you to try CBD like capsules, water, coffee, and food - just to name a few, tea is a great option. Many people have a cup of tea to start their day, and one to end it too. And you might think the morning cup will have the same impact as the evening one - but you’d be wrong. 

CBD supports your body’s own rhythms. So you are sleepy at night, CBD supports you to get a good night’s sleep, and during the day you need more focus - but less stress, it works that way too. It adapts to your system. 

Tea, as you know, it is probably black, green, herbal, milk, and sugar… and so on. So if you could double up the relaxation with a few drops of CBD or even CBD infuse tea-leaves, why wouldn’t you? 

Yes, more relaxation, no high. 

But not everyone likes a hot cup of tea. Some people want an iced cold tea. It is refreshing, cooling comes in a range of flavors, and is a rejuvenating and sweet. Some people don’t love the hemp flavor that you can often be a little too earthy. In the right iced tea, you’ll get a great taste because of how it’s brewed and infused. 

Aside From Medical Benefits?

What about if you don’t have chronic pain, you don’t suffer from migraines, your stress levels aren’t that high (but it stress is there), and you just want some extra relaxation in your life? Well, in that case, CBD is still for you. It has long been the case that artists of all types take substances to get more creative, get more done, and of course, get high. But you’re not looking for that, although being more creative, focused and remaining in a positive mindset would be ideal. 

When you are focusing on a project, and it isn’t going anywhere, most people head for a coffee, water and/or a walk. If you swap that coffee for an iced tea, with a little extra kick. You should for sure still take that walk, because increased blood flow generally helps with productivity, but this will give the CBD a chance to get into your system and dampen any niggling thoughts of worry, stress or anxiety. 

Like with anything, once you venture into the world of CBD, you will be astounded at all of the cool stuff there is to try. From sublingual consumption to lotions and CBD iced tea - there is a whole world of calm for you to enjoy. 

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