CBD For Anxiety: What Does the Research Show?
September 21, 2019

CBD For Anxiety: What Does the Research Show?

Cafes, gift shops, pharmacies, and various companies have begun to include CBD oil in their products due to the overwhelming popularity of the drug across the globe.

Due to the change in legislation concerning the substance, the stigma around CBD oil is gradually being lifted in society.

In October 2018, Canada federally legalized the recreational use of marijuana, providing a broader welcoming tone on the subject. 

Only two months later, President Donald Trump signed the Farm Bill that changed the definition of marijuana by omitting the term “hemp.”

Essentially, the federal law legalized the distribution and consumption of hemp and its derivatives, predominantly CBD, throughout the United States.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is the non-psychoactive component found in the cannabis plant that is known for providing therapeutic and healthy properties for the human body.

Although CBD does not produce a euphoric high like THC, the positive qualities of the substance have been recognized by multiple businesses, investors, medical professionals, and the general public.

As country after country is somewhat weakening the strict rules against CBD oil, the market size for the product has been seriously increasing to the point of becoming the next best potential investment.

According to CBD Kyro, the prediction of the 2018 market size for CBD was about $270 million. Those numbers have grown in the past year, with several analyses claiming that the CBD market size will be $20 billion by the year 2024.

CBD oil is generating revenues for a reason - it works merely in aiding people and their discomforts.

At times, standard medication does not alleviate symptoms or an entire illness, while a dosage of CBD oil can do the trick.

Some of the notable conditions CBD oil successfully treats include chronic pain, obesity, and acne and hair growth. Also, the substance is showing promise in becoming a part of the cure for severe illnesses, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases.

Out of all the possible diagnoses, CBD most notably aids to those experiencing anxiety. Anxiety disorders are among the top contenders for people deciding to use CBD oil as a treatment.

According to Healthcare Weekly, anxiety has become a severe mental problem in the United States, affecting more than 18.1% of the entire population in the country.

Anxiety is not the only classification under the term “anxiety disorders”; others include depression, insomnia, and panic attacks, all of which have a severe effect on mental health.

Multiple studies and research have focused on the CBD’s positive effects on aiding anxiety to prove the substance’s possibilities of helping those suffering from these disorders.

While conventional treatment can have serious side effects, including insomnia, drowsiness, nausea, and headaches, CBD does not have these kinds of effects. CBD oil has shown success in preventing these symptoms.

CBD treats anxiety due to the substance’s capability to increase the levels of serotonin, which is the “happy” hormone in the body that is responsible for reducing symptoms of depression and overall anxiety.

A 2014 study conducted at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro found that CBD has significant anti-anxiety and antidepressant qualities that tackle various anxiety disorders.

Studies have presented the CBD’s capability to be the next prescribed drug for anxiety disorders. CBD has also been paving its way to becoming the best solution to the situation on addiction to drugs, alcohol, heroin, and cocaine.

A recent research study found that 62% of over 2,000 CBD users included, utilized the substance for a medical reason, most commonly for either depression, anxiety, or chronic pain.

The fact that CBD oil itself can substitute standard medication, such as opioids, it tackles not only the issue of mental health, but also the drug addiction epidemic overflowing the entire world.

Moreover, a study led by Scott Shannon of the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Fort Collins illustrated that CBD oil could safely be used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders in children with PTSD. 

The studies and their success have spread as common knowledge to the general public, as the CBD oil profits have increased over the years.

While the United States has so many Americans suffering from addiction alone, the situation is grander than ever before. America also spends over $4 billion in order to aid addiction, costing the government serious money.

Since addiction can stem from a condition that typical treatment should be able to alleviate, changing the treatment method to CBD oil can remove the pain of the illness as well as the temptation to consume hardcore drugs.

Heroin is perhaps the most severe form of opioid addiction in the world, and CBD oil can be the answer to this global problem.

Research has shown that the intense cravings of heroin can be subsided, if not wholly demolished, within patients suffering heroin addiction problems when using CBD oil.

Moreover, there is an active link between tobacco addiction (which has increased due to the vaping epidemic among children and young adults) and CBD oil.

Inhaling CBD oil can help people quit smoking, which shows promise in quitting cigarette smoking and vaping use with the hemp derivative.

Doctors and other medical professionals are receiving licenses to prescribe CBD oil for their patients due to the numerous amount of research found that shows a positive correlation between substance and anxiety disorders.

Unfortunately, anxiety is becoming more and more common among people, especially the younger generation, CBD oil has become a great option to solve this problem. 

Out of all the studies conducted on CBD, the properties of the substance always concluded to be helpful for those suffering from an anxiety disorder. 

While people can be explicitly prescribed medical CBD, they can also step into a cafe or a juice bar that serves this additional ingredient in their product in order to tackle some nerves.

With a splash of fruit or caffeine, CBD can be the type of treatment for anxiety that is accessible at all times and available during people’s busy daily lives.

The use of CBD is growing every day, and structured use of CBD is providing solutions to many health problems, anxiety being a prominent one. 

CBD For Anxiety

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