Best Fun Games to be Played with Friends
September 16, 2019

Best Fun Games to be Played with Friends

‘Friends’ the word itself reminds us of the most popular show of the 90s “F.R.I.E.N.D.S”. Staying with friends is one of the best memorable times that we can spend in our lives. The fun, the games, the bonding and not to forget the great food is all that goes into making great memories.

Everything is bright and warm when we are with friends, but these memories are created only when we are having fun being engaged in some or the other activity.

Why? You don’t believe me? Invite a large group of friends and simply sit around, you will see that after an hour or two people will get bored and draw out their mobile phones from their pockets and get busy with it. There goes all the fun down the drain.

So, what can we do to keep friends busy with fun and have very interesting activities as well? Don’t fret out, we have marked out the best list of activities that you can ever think of to do with friends.

Apart from activities, your friend’s circle can also have fun with the 21 Questions Game. Don’t know the questions? We are here for you. Click to find out. Wisledge

Seven Seconds to Win

Sounds dramatic, isn’t it? Well, it is dramatic. Each one will be given seven seconds to complete seven tasks. The person to do maximum tasks successfully becomes the winner of the Seven Seconds Challenge.

Challenge Your Accent

Do your quirkiest accent and let the group have a good laugh. This can be extremely fun with friends. Often most of the people tune their voices to bring out the funniest and weirdest of accents.

What’s better than literally Rolling On the Floor and Laughing!!

Baby Drink

Warning: This challenge can prompt you or your friends to throw up.

Why? Because you have to gulp down an entire jug of milk without spitting out or throwing up. The one to empty the jug fastest is the clear winner. Have fun and click the greatest pictures.

Get messy guys!

Dizzy Challenge

The Dizzy Challenge is one of the simplest yet a fun one to do with friends.

You won’t be able to keep your heads about you, no kidding!

All you have to do is spin your friend constantly several times until their heads begin buzzing. And then assign them activities that they have to do while being dizzy. For example, you can repeatedly spin your friend and then ask him to walk in a straight line. I bet you can imagine how hilarious the situation will be.

Would You Rather

This fun game will bring out the creative side in you and your friends. You will find out the preferences that your friends have over places, things, food or people. Get creative guys and ask questions such as “What would you like better? A vacation in the mountains or a layback week on the beach?”

Each friend of yours will have a different set of preferences and if luck favors then you might be planning a vacation with your friends soon for the beach or the mountains.

Laughing Game

Of all the games you will find, you can happily mark this as the most innovative and simple one. It’s simple, really!

All you have to do is lay down on the floor and have a friend lay their head on your stomach, create a chain like that and then make the first person laugh. Laughter is indeed infectious; watch your friends laughing and instantly lighten up your mood.


It stills remains one of the most popular games played among friends. How many memes say that +4 cards are responsible for friendship fall out, don’t believe so. UNO is such a light-hearted game that you can play with a huge group of friends and yet keep every person active and interested.

Dance Freeze

This is somewhat similar to Musical chair, only more fun and enjoyable. Set a number of crazy dance numbers in your music system and dance crazy until the music stops. When the music stops all of you should freeze (catch your breath then), let the music resume, go dancing again guys!!

Name Me

Write down the names of all the people playing the game and pick one name and stick it on the forehead or at the back of the member. He will get 10 ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to find out who he is.

Unravel the minds of your friends and have fun with the questions.

I Dare You to Make Me Laugh

This game can be played in teams. Have two teams. Invite a member from each team at a time. One of them has to make the other one laugh while he resists with all his might. Grab your bowl of popcorn guys! Some serious fun is on your way!

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